Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — AUCTION SALE IN BANKRUPTCY. [ARTICLE]
On Thursday. January 23rd. at 10 o clock a. m.. at my salesroom. <53 Queen street. Honolulu, I will sell at Public Auction, by order of Mr. H. G. Middleditch. trustee in the estate of Taylor & Co., bankrupts the following partially described merchan dise. the complete list of which can be seen at my office: Anvils. Tire Up. setter. Coal. Bits. Hammers. Ciamps, Mallets. Bolts. Shovels. Calipers! Wrenches. Desk. Scales. BuggyTire Bander, Round and Flat Bar Iron Bar Tool Steel. Wrenches. Drill Press! Flatters. Swager. Punches. Pinchers. Wrenches, Desk. Scales. Buggy Wheels. Rims. Oak and Spruce Lumber. Drawing Knife. Bevel, etc., etc. Together with a fifteen years’ lease of the property situated on the corner of Queen and Milinani streets, and thecorrugated iron covered building situate thereon. JAMES F. MORGAN. Auctioneer. Honolulu. Jan. 9. 1902.