Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — NOTES ABUOT MEN. [ARTICLE]

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E- S. Candler. Jr. a new member of the Mississippi d legation to Con press, says he made his first dollar by hauling cordwood behind a yoke of oxen to a country town and sell Ing it. • • • Hnns Christian Aaderson. the famous author of juvenile books formed his style by narrating his stories to various groups of children before ■ he wrote them down. His one 1 thought was to become famous, and I he was very careful not to make any enemies. . •• • ( Kmperor William s six sons are to ‘ r?t their education in part at the * military academy a t Pion. Two of

• are now there and three bare l>rec there The Crown Primre is at present at the University of Boas, ■nd Prince Adalbert is making a ion? tnp on a military training 'h ; p, • • • In Poland the rewards cf literature appear to be considerable Henry Sienkiewrc*. the n veltst. whos- si! rer jubilee the Poles recently cele-trar-d. was presented w;:h a chateau and an estate on the memorable occaalon H- is especially fond of hun ting, and the walls of his horn* in Warsaw are decorated with sis trophies. some of them from Africa. • • • Senator Heilfeid of Idaho was ask ed recently whether he expected to hare opposition when he came ap for re-election. "Opposition V he cried: "well, i should say so. There isn't a man in Idaho but wants to be Senator. That's wha; makes i:fe wonh living out West."