Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — THE VALUE OF SISAL [ARTICLE]

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Th* i * ssfu! production of sisal in Hawaii ?e*-ms to be assurred. This »ill (five another crop contributory to ur main product, sugar Report.-* from manufacturers to the Hawaiian Fiber Company must be regarded as highly favorable and encouraging. Whether the local company can deliver its sisal to buyers at a profit can hardly yet be determined. Th- United States imports 771,000 t - of sisa! annually, and 250.000 -if all kinds of fibers and grasses. The value of the entire imports is $-• •tHiOOO a year while that of the s 4l alone is $;2,000,000 or nearly one half of the total amount paid for all fibers and grasses. Sisal is the most valuable filler used by manufai turers. its average Import value being |]t;o per ton as against $lOO P*T ton, which Is the average price of all the fibers imported. What a grand thing it would be if Hawaii could supply all the sisal need •-i on the Mainland, thus bringing ba<-k here some $12,000,000 a year as an adjunct to the returns of the sugar plantations. Let us hope that something -f this sort may be accomplished in the future. The Hawaiian Fiber Company has made a start and everybody. we are sure, will wish it the most thorough success.