Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
REMEMBER! REMEMtEft E.I. Jordans BIG DISCO9HF Mil Is Still On. REMEMBER ! » REMEMBER! m fMWumSW'S I FRltUb... : W w THE advertiser's best friend is the m lium thr-vich w which he obtains the biggest returns for his money. JJ One medium which is used by advertisers to a great w extent Is the Circular or booklet. The circular or J booklet tft always Inelfect.ve, unless It H wv handsome— w handsome enough to attract the eyo of the tu.ia to whom it * is sent, no mail, r how busy he may be. booklet hand « some enough to do this almost always costs from three to w four cents apiece. There Is the mailing to count :n (two J cents a copy, of course): there is the trouble in getting a list « of names and in addressing. Altogether the coat gill figure w a up to about .seven cents a copy f>r a c : i. • Z 4* ti.oc-aad ircijlat: ana I VM is verv lure Two th w J sau.; circulation at seven ceMa is f!4«> I t -■ id m v a that you can it; -• I '- in newspac r space and get returns J a ■ ' i •'; ;«! i would get through a booklet. w t a 49 * 94 : Newspaper Space Is Valuable : A w ft In the first place, rher. is the . st. For ft|o you can get w J a gt a ition for Z a Q lit a long time. You know your r. - you can w * figure ft out to suit your own instance much belter than I 2 5 can. So much for cost. * : Now for Effectiveness I ft w * \ou must tell your customer* how much your £. ids are v colng to cost. An afiral J A without salt —it will do you no good How can yon put v A prices in a booklet whim yon are doing a strictly r»-ta;i ! ;-t *» ft ness?. Ypu, haye runjP'Utors; you hav* to change your J a prices constantly to meet theirs and to meet other ey|. M ft gencßs. The first change of a prb ■ will kill th-’ • ffp' five w 2 ness of a booklet, and where arc yon? Your advertisement S in a newspaper may be changed us many limes as you deft sire- You are constantly up-to-date. I The Newspaper Is Effective * Ahy kind of a newspaper has more rrrculafion than you 2 can obtain through a booklet tor’llk*. Newspaper- reach * the heart of the home Peers one reads them, ami they are a far more certain to obtain close attrition than any pr nb'd ft .. matter which you wonid send. If you rent printed mutter a of your own accord to PQTSWMi WO i fib Ml . u w v,,n yoh * would be putting yourself fare to face with th- m with' ut a * guarantee. They have nothing to Judge the quality of your j% goods by. am! they {‘an • n!y • . * paper and In your own way AnyV dy .an•»y as rr.-: h -s J they please. a When your matter appear* in a n> w*pap* r of co* I c-ir., -j- -* lation aud good standing the newspaper is a guarantee for £ what you say. Newspapers arc always partlmlar as to whom * their advertisers ar<- (1 speak of eco 1 n<*w«paper* i ft Your ads will gain a value besides their inherent one. They a will be vouched for. and this la . have a certain fluctuating trade, which Is always valuable, and which needs si me sort of an Introduction to your store. This introduction the newspaper gives you. Good Paper Adds Dignity Yon are known by th. company you keep, you know, and if your ads appear In a paper which holds Itself up before the masses as a leader, you will be known as a pairoo of what is good, and you will obtain trade from those whom _it is ,wj3£tb trading with. On all scores 1 consider newspaper advert:sfng by far {he best. On tfie Ycony of cheapness: on the score of being able to constantly change your announcement*; on the score of direct and immediate r turns, and on the score of b- ag introduced to people, tn strangers, as a store which can afford to announce Us news to every on»» In a dignified and straightforward manner, and this is the manner which bringtrade that pays. FRANKLIN BURNHAM, New York City. * * ft a The above article, wr by on» of the lnformed * * advertising ln the country is in line with th* • J policy advocat-d and maintained bj THE HONOLULU RE' Z * PUBLICAN. Hla deicnpti n of a good n-’w-oap-.r an I ta w * superior mer.t.- as an advert liurn Is distinctly appli- ♦ a cable to an essentially re! able n ‘“ed family of 4* large circulation, such as THE REPUBLICAN. w «m«< «« «< < < «r< < tm mrrmmrtm « « «< t J The Union Express Ce., EXCORE saloox Office with Evening Balletin. CSo1 ” W,M "’7* *“ ** j nYAN & DEWEN iT• HMuag street Telephone, Hr corner TWel an 1 N •uaftu "Ye move safes, pianos and fnmltcro Street*. We banl freight and lumber. We sell black and white sand. We me* all! rarommgeoast steamer*. DEPOT SALOOX We cbecK baggage on ail outgoing • tenmers. Honoluln Brewing and Malting W. LARSEN. Draught and Bottled BeeV. Manager King street, opp. O. R. ft L. Ca Board, $4.50 per week Dg ** Meals, 25c Each L RYAN 4 oeMEHT Pr^ PRIVATE ROOM Fill ÜBiES. I, TAXTAKJL EVBayTHING N£W. CLEAN and v T' ' ' " * FRESH. . J*uuaan Street. Bark of Club Stably Jlje popular f}estauraptf W ?' n *'l , B2th?i»««, B-thel Street, back o' Postoffice. Pine imported Cigar*. C«a