Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. H. BARTH STAR BLOCK 1290 Fort Street, Near Kukat Street P. O. BOX SO. METAL ROOFING GALVANIZED IRON SKYLIGHTS AND VENTILATORS. PIPE AND GUTTER WORK Jrtliig i»4 iitiiriig Pr«p tiy Ittudri U HONOLULU. H. T. r. j. • e. « vinos RUSSELL I VITSON ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT-LAW. Magooa Building. Cor. Merchant and Alakea Streets Phone Vain 328. John A. Hassinger, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, etc, —Removed to the— Offices of Macfhrlane & Co , K A AH l"M A NU STREET. R. Susumago PHOTOGRAPHER. Fine Cabinet Photos Only $330 per Dozer. Cor. of Maunakea and King Sts. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jesrffr And Watchmaker 530 FORT STREET J.W. A. Redkouse Watch and Chronometer Maker. Plain and complicated watch work a specialty. Campbell Block Merchant Street Opposite Republican Office. JUBD & CO. Ltd. REAL ESTATE AGENTS STOCK BROKERS. 307 Stangenwald Building —j —Phone 223 Main ALBERT KALLWEIT NICE , CIGAR . STAND Adjoining Hotel Stables. Tobaccos of All Kinds. Cool Drinks On Ice, HOTEL STREET. Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. ALBERT BERNDT FIRST CLASS TAILOR. CLOTHES .MADE TO ORDER Cleaned and PressedHOTEL STREET. Adjoining Hotel Stablest-Opposite T Hawaiian' Hotel. French V laundry ► 50S, of Bpivtania Av?. ao<l Pun-’hlh-irl s;. All WorkDoneby Hand Lace Curtains, Silk and Glcve Cleaning a Specialty. ABADIE \ CO Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd ♦ lOS KING STRBBT. G J. WALLER, - - - Manager. Wholesale and lie tail BUTCHERS and NAVY CONTRACTORS DR. W. R. BOGLE CHIROrODIiT. Room 18.—Arlington Building. CORNS AND INGROWING TOE NAILS EXTRACTED The Woodworker is the man on whom the fair* falls if a carriage breaks. IT IS his business to see that every thing doveta Is and fits to a T that the screws will hold and that the strain will be equally divided throughout in OUR SHOPS we have four of these men, all experts in their line and every carriage we turn out —we guarantee W.W. WRIGHT CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER. King Street,.. Phone Main 2112