Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
At Auction WILL E. FISHEK, AUCTIONEER On TUESDAY. JAN. J4th. 19C2. at One O’clock p. m.. on tie Premises. That Valuable Lot southwest corner K ins and Kekaulike Streets, fronting 9° feet on King- St re ll ’-try !*rt feet on Kekaulike Street. Up?et price. 120.000. Ten thousand dollars ran remain on the property at b per cent. The purchaser will be guaranteed . an opportunity’ to lease the property , at once, jf he wishes to <io;so, on a forty years lease at One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars per-month ground rent, payment of rent to begin July Ist: l!W£ The Lessee to pay all (axes and assessments and to erect forthwith on the premises a briflt building to cost not less than Ten Thousand Dollars. The iruikliag to be kept in--ured fur T<a Thousand Dollars at Lessee’s cost for the benefit of the ‘Xehsor, In the event of b>ss insurance money to be used in rebuilding. WILL E. FISHER, AUCTIONEER. Wm.G.lrviQ&Co -LIMITEDREFINED SUGARS Cube and Granulated. PARAFINE PALM CO.’S Paints. Compounds and Building Papers. PALM OILS, Lucol—Raw and Boiled. Linseed —Raw and Boiled. ImiURINE Water-proof Cold-water Paint, in side and in white and colors. | FERTILIZERS Alex: Cross & Sons' high-grade Scotch fertilizers, adapted for sugar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt t: Co.'S chemical Fertilizers and finely ground Bone meal STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed’s pateat elastic sectlona 1 pipe Covering. FILTER. PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. I OEM EXT. LIMES- BRICKS Agents For WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO.. San Francisco, Cal BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., (Manf. ’ National Cane Shredder” Newark. U. S. A OHLARDT & CO.. v Sian Franclecn. Cal RISDON [RuN AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. San Francisco, Cal. Furniture Work a Specialty. All Orders Promptly Executed. SING LEE TAI CARPENTER CONTRACTOR PAINTER 54® King Street Honolulu. H. !. THE EAGLE SALOON GEO. J. CAVANAUGH, Pp6p’r, - I*lU2£o BESJI " Alwwt» cm tap. Cor. Punchbowl and Halekauila Sts. C. LOVEKIN*** ‘stock and BONO BROKER ...482 Bu¥;#v... SEATTLE BEER I On Draught or in Bottle* at the "CRITERION*’