Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — POLO GAME ON SATURDAY [ARTICLE]

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- -i -» - A Inca* and Artillery Team Will Play at t»** PaHk. There w ill be a jralo game J(et ween the Incas an* Ihe Artillery team on Saturday ;u Kapiulani Park. The following" players ATlf“compose the t- ants Incas —Potter. Vngus. W. Dillinpham, and Hanlon acting ae substitute for AlKlohob. - < ■ Artillery—Lieut. Hancock. RobL Shlaglo. Norton, and Pole who acta as substitute for Ur. MoAdorv. who resigned from'the league a short time ago, A permanent Successor for him has v not as yet b-cn chosen.