Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — JAPANESE SAILOR SERVES UNCLE SAM [ARTICLE]

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Kio Cfito Ciever Cartoonist Spare Time During Visit to Brother Occupied In Describing An 5 Idea! f/lan=of=War.

. ———•*— Rio Cat* a .faj’ttqp** s«Hcr*irf th*ijntled Stat*h Havyj is Ir.Honokiki vi-iting h!t>,b"ti:k' rv Ba-iMp {^a- a fjromin<nt Japan*-**- merchant and re-'Orm»-r who !;%•“ >n th<- Young str*--t v^tehsTilfi.' Rio Coto wan bom in Yokobatna. tkpa&a enlisted in nkvT In b « ntaAh ,>• a» and has I -*«■! ta- « dHr*b*qe He was I wunlfb Ihe »X 8 iM ft“ Raleigh firing th« Spanish American war. and tf jved his pluck on several occasions. Hive months agafV.c was aligned to •ke Marc Island X**y 5 aril and he «*pccts to J*|> tfcc battleship .San Francisco Vif tfl** expiihjflon of his fAr lough. Skill as a Cartoonist. T 4 Jussi***' i» bright iut .dt'eu--f.< aks English fluently and his chirnfcraphy is excellent. But far surpassi|g either of these a< r on»lilishmenis K his great skill as a cartoonist. Me the humor of a situation at a vflapi <. if!;4 w it)i <t fetf tge im 4e'l ikrt fht“ a-pi i l V>C h -l • rf Crr ipirf>- tflwf hi* w ork* have i*'!r-d forth praise from all who have • t> n them. -To cju.ii sketch he adds Ur .ally an original and witty comO' ,t. I luring. Ms furlough, -Ji'aratjcd 1 1 im tie re*-t t f th*- wbrlfl liv the Ifdad Pacific. Tn the quietness of a timse hidden in the palm tree groves of Paw air. Cato Is w riting a hook in Hnglish. It is an historical novel of fppan. Th« time of the- story is 300 vt-ars ago. and is entitled. "Macamata. c Th’ Tn!e 0 f iti,. Bwme ■’ 44«* will illustrate the novel himself and has • ready painted tlx* frontisplece. Ideal. Mjn-of-WJr. \r-. • \ample of his wit and the pro(fui I of his ieisme is his deiiptiuji of what an Ideal man- of\».vr for a jolly <i use might !>*• in 1910. { man-of-war is calhd tie' new- bat-ti'-vhip "tiuod tild Tilde." It has a

•peed of t wwnrr-eight knots and is equipped entirely with paper armor plate, guaranteed to be shot, shell and fireproof In his armament there is a 24-inch gun. tnoise of which ajone If is enough to scare_lfae enemy into sur- ' render. ar J-one shat fcua U,will sink any «tup afloat. ■ . <;a - ( Women and Men in Crew. A further desyiption is in pare aa ;t dTjwj.: p*,* e 4w S,n S -m sof women a- will as men.' Tfcis is an fnutrvgjlion. but since hi •Tory-has proven »o■Uijitfi .afljiliif, tjicrg if poryo* -n. why Khe ill 6 not he in rhu navy. Buk this new arrangement the iCrew is elevated both morally and physically* tßwoariag ufiii uctng -to'bacco an- things of the post. • In the plain m (he uppdrrfoek tki-re •is a boxing ring which..though uncommon on warshifhi. is. yet a very convenient place for the men to settle difficult arguments. A hair pulling • ring for -wouv n to^ settle dis- fc p ile. W ilt be if lhCfUl br'♦he pfllre^ »of the dehk. •* * : f I**’ -’• - 9 All Modern Conveniences. “A regular Anuyican saloop in operation on this de it Is a marked foaturui iiirif *iei iu i of this newly designed fnan-of war. It keeps the spints of the men high and mhlti s flu m fc<d as much at homo as if on jdiyrv A divwrce qpugt and gossip room are also provided The :dining saloon is beautiful and interestling. Waitresses wear scarlet uniforms with brass button*. And Oith the ‘snow white lineo and bright shining silver one might, .imagine, himself in a king's royal phlard. Chinamen Jo all the cooking and siu-h nbals are ,si-i \ed as chop suey. yokomen and oth- ; er Oriental fare leather steak, and 'ili.tier ' nr-- things of the! MKr 'tiH >» • ■ fl .Mr. Cato will remain here until the {expiration of his furlough, when he will return to the toast. I -f! .: vc'C'f 0j loti - t lived .1' ‘