Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MAILS CLOSE FRIDAY FOR OTHER rSi.ANT>> Of. --- _ Ma^LClc«.;3,Str i Labama, Wakens, Kaitna. K*a«fcou. Kapoopoo. Hockq* a. Hocdploa and Punatuu 4„ .. .L. .].. \aLG. Hall * 4n:?4». <r. ■s i 3“ s—7 * “ XL T I May chneyr% ■ i ay H \ M | T . , AST A N I> V< -KKlfiy CS' TOBTT Nov, i, Arcner. bat.... , Captain. Dec. iu.Etice. iilp : Whitmore Brewers bta*,.— , .Qli.Fusmrk: 121 *1 S. I) o* Albert : bktj . L£adksa ....... Wlii bk. I.T*F*K i Grit 5 tbs £ t D. i'arieinm skip i kmesbury Aa. kq. Bee d P* B! | Paersen ii.J g'imidt 21Jlaagaiti. 6kt. 23 Ceylon. bk ?d Geerpf Curtag. p p, Caihoun 24 HopiSitou, ptf- .; Olsen . .< Klikttar. bit.:.' Cutler.. tragard .. 1 Brewers. 1.; tJUniroaA ... ■, AU«& . t - Stream Wilier c ... <. <OH Fwbsirkt 1/ .-! Brewers Alden Bessie, bk.... Mackie Omega, bkt; rrr. ' Markie 2i Beo;ac2!n Sewail. sh acta Hack(el4 rnfifirwv Wilders Stream. Stream Stream Allen 24 ] Robert Levers 2'*»' C. D Bryant, bk.... 1 Colley ■ Sorensons Joseph. Russ ».. Petersen Navy WM 1 .. Huflt-r ........ Railway v . r . Priis Railway 31 31 31 Langdal*. ship. Hesper. bk. iJan. 1 Floreui'e, ship .... Spicer Amelia, bkt Wilier Geo. C Perkins, bkt. Jensen Andrew Welch Prlnoe I>ouis. ah... Eureka, str Railway (Allen ...... ..,. Nary No, 2. Drew - -- ■ Brewers Elelsen. Stream Weedon...-i... rßrewers. .. Destination. , San Francisco. - Pt. TcwasendSaa Francisco. San Fraaclsco San FVa*H»so Ban Francisco j Tacoma Pt_ Blakeley . N San Fradcfsro ’Hilo V.J.i...-w San Fraacifc o .. Pi; yet Sonnd . Puget S un« Fan Frant to/ Pnget Sonnd. In distress Puget Sofcird .. Sa* Praaisco. Paget Sound. San Francisco, In distress. ' Paget Sound. P :sr* t Sound. I Puevt Sound . San Francisco. ' P;get Sound. I B>'auie. 11. S. S, Iroquois. ... Rodman Naval row .. Stationary.

Weß.”* 3.« r 5.« S.W"9.2S , lD.Kk**.*4i.-36 .< » Ttar •» %3C 3.0 J4* 9.19*10 3R« I* ».»v * M » m. s» is. frl. . 10 4.'* 12 0 422n0s ■? «*».»<’ S.JP* <>.s? 4 44 1.9 5 W n 40 I" 24 6 4C5.57 7 44 l p.ra. Sua . I.' 5.17 I.R 5 •' 12 14 11.12 6 4” 5.37' *<.36 Mor . 13 55* 17 . ':'i;s 6t" 1.3 F 9.27 New moon on Ike 9th at 10:15 a. m--1 — 1 'F* " 15 feet in diameter and 12 feet long, built to the requirements of the Cnit- ! e«i States Inspection law-? TO ARRIVE. TO DEPART sfTgg — Alameda April 9 A Cure for Lumbags, W. C. Williamson, of Amherst. Va.. jU. S. A., says; For more than a 1 year I suffered from lumbago, i tried ‘ Chamberlain's l*ain Balm and it gave I entire relief, which all other inane- ! dies had failed to do." ' Gomes and McTtehe Wholesale Liquor Merchants. Ivinji Street lIOINOX.I'I-I’. 11. I. Phone Main HO. . • - ISLAND TRADE A SPECIALTY.

W'EATifKH RE FOOT. Mean Temperature —70.3. Minimum Temperature —66. Maximum Temperature —7S. Barometer —29.94: steady. Rainfall —0.03.Meaa Dow Point—63. Mean Relative Humidity—Bo. Wind. Wind west. 4 10 0. Weather. Weather cloudy and threatening, to clear. Forecast for Today. Light westerly winds and fair i weather. AT LJI AMON U II fc. AU Diamond Head. 10 p. m. —Weather clear. Wind light, west. here tfcia afternoon. The Alameda , was to leave San Francisco on January 4ih, at 2 p. rn.. and the America Maru at 1 p. ui of the same day. Cotton Bros, will begin driving piles back of the He.alani boat house early this morning for the construction of a dam. This will be used in building the retaining wall at that place to I contain the filling which will be done by the dredger when it begins work. The U. S. Transport Thomas will not arrive here today as she is still in Sau Francisco. The Sheridan is the transport due here tf she is to slop at all. She was to leave San j Francisco on January 1. while the Thomas was not to sail before January 16. The latter vessel will bring several passengers to this port, in- ( eluding the U. S. Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers. Arrivals at Honolulu. •" Thursday, Jan. 9. 1902. G. X. Co.s Eureka, Weedon. 14 days from Seattle, at 1 a. m. Schr. Lady, from Koolau ports. Departures from Honolulu. Thursday. Jan. 9. 1902. ; Schr. Rob Hoy. for Pearl Harbor. Stmr. Iwalani, Greene, for Hanalei, : Eleele. Makaweli. Waimea. Kekaha and Niihau. at 5 p. m. Stmr. Ke Au Hou. Mosh?r. for Honuapo."at 5 p. m. Vessels Due Today ' Schr. Eclipse, from Kona ports this a m V, ?. Transport Sheridan, Pierce, from San Francisco, due. T. K K. S. S Hongkong Maru. from the Orient, due this p. m. O S. S. Alameda, front San Francisco. this afternoon. T. K. K. S. S. America Maru, from San Francisco, thi| afternoon. Vessels Sailing Today. Stmr W. G. Rail. Thompson, for Lahaina. Makena. Kailua, Xapoopoo and Punaluu. at noon. LARGEST TRAMP AFLOAT. The "Shawmut," Flying the Stars and Stripes. Launched at Boston. One of the largest, if not the largest. tramp steamship flying the Stars and Stripes, and one of the largest vessels on th? seas, the carrier Shawmut was launched at Sparrow's Point on December 17th. for Knlder. Peabody & Co., of Boston. The ship is one of l»* a*o teet long steamers but Wing by the Maryland Steel Company. The ship measures over I all Boil feet; between uprights. 488 | feet; beam molded. 58 feet; depth to the upper deck 10 feet ; with straight t stem ah eftfprirtl stern and three .* complete steel decks. They are to be ■ schooner rlftfed with two masts and I obe smokestack six water-tight balk--1 heads'with a 'double bottom extending theeatire length of the ship. There will be four single-end Scotch boilers.