Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — SAILORS TO HAVE IDEAL LODGINGS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Plans of Wilder Steamship Co. Arranging for Occupation of Magoon Block By One Hundred Officers and Other Employees on Vessels.

Wilder's Steamship Company is planning an ideal lodging house or horn*' for all the m< n in Its employ. President C I- Wight. of the steam- ; p company, and J O. Lightfoot. manager of the Sanitary Steam I-ann-dry. have been discussing the proposition of transferring the large twostory frame building at Queen and South str--«-t«. Known as the Magoon blew k. into a residence for the deckhands. stevedores and other employes of the company. All Employee* Together. Cor some time past Wilder's Steamship Company has been anxious to m-k>- some arrangement whereby all its employes could be housed in one place, so that they could be conveni- * ntly and quickly communicated with at any and ail times when they were needed. At present, and for some time past, the deck hands and others have been living aboard, the various vessels on which they are employed. This arrangement was made to expedite the dispatch of the steamers ami alleviate the many and various troubles caused by the absence of members of the steamers' crews at a tloio when they wore most needed. Living aboard ship, however, is not the most comfortable thing in the world for the employe, especially if pose*-?- a family and his wife and children are compelled to be separated from him most of the time. Model Lodging House. The steamship company has finally arrived at the determination to let ail it-. men live ashore when their steamers are in port. To this end Preside ut Wight has conferred with Mr. Light foot. The latter gentleman has <Targe of the Magoon block and the dozen or so little cottages in the rear of the large building, and it has b« on arranged and planned that the large building and the cottages shall -i>nn becomes the homes of one hunl .u more employee of the Wilder Company. The cottages and the large buildn.g are quite new and will accommo date quite a number of people. The lai ge building has ninety seven rooms. The cottages have from five to seven rooms, are lighted by electricity, have porcelain baths, hot and cold water and sanitary plumbing. The idea is to house the men of the steamship • ompany her*', together with their families, and exclude all others, so that the buildings will be devoted entirely to the accommodation of the Wilder employes. Si* that the lives of the occupants may he rendered as pleasant as possible, the plai-e Is to be a model lodging house. Three Dollar* Per Month. While arrangements have not yet Wen definitely concluded, it is understood that if the Wilder Company «ill supply pot less than one hundred m n and guarantee occupants for every room in .the large bouse, the r.vorns will be let for the nominal sum of three dollars per month. The cottages will be used. It is expected, for the mates and other officers of the i ompany Where there are several persons in one family, the rooms will he M en suite, so that every conce-rn-no, will b afforded to families. Th, situation Is convenient to the w aterfront. being a matter of only a few minutes' walk from the Wilder w harves and sh<ij»s. The house is also near the fish market and there are one or two beer saloons In the neighborhood. so that the thirsty sailor coming from an inter-island trip may find cooling draughts at hand One or two billiard parlors we located In the building on the ground floor and there are plenty of stores in the vicinity. Sanitary Quarters. There are certain things which prevent an immediate realization of the

plans of the steamship company, but they are likely to be in effect within :• month or two at the latest. Special attention will bp paid to the sanitary conditions of the premises. There will be a man in charge of the place who will have a corps of assistants to see that every room is kept scrupulously clean and that certain imperative rules of living are complied w ith. When so many people are together in one building it is urgent that some one be in charge to carryout sanitary rules, which will be posted in every room for the benefit of the occupants, and these rules will be enforced. Order will be maintained on the premises and everything will be done to insure the comfort and welfare of the people. Fire backets will be supplied and several fire-extinguishers will be placed around the building in ease of need. Office in the Building. The Wilder Steamship Company will have an office in the building which w ill be* in charge of a man whose duty it w ill be to keep in touch with every steamship employee on the premises. Telephonic communication will be established between the lodging house and the main office of the Wilder company, so that any one of the employees can be communicated with, if he is in the establishment, at any time of the day or night. A night watchman will be on duty during the hours of darkness to look out for fire or trouble of any kind. Men Favor the Idea. Those of the employees of Wilder's company who are acquainted with the plana which are being made for their benefit, as well as for the convenience of the company, are heartily in favor of the id* a. For a long time a num ber of the sailors and others have been strenuously objecting to life aboard ship while in port. The married ones especially have a kick com ing. The new arrangement Is likely to please all hands anil prove a great success. What President Wight Says. President C- L. Wight of the Wilder company, in an interview last night, said; "I have been discussing the matter of a lodging house on Queen street for the employees of the company with Mr. Lightfoot who has charge of the Steam Laundry and the buildings at the corner of Queen and South streets, but, as yet. our arrangements have not been completed They are likely to be. though, before very long. It is the desire of the company to get all its men together where they will be available at any time and where they can be properly kept track of in case of need. "Considerable inconvenience has been caused by th? inability, on th-' part of the company, to get hold of its men when they were often needed ■Vt present a number of the employees are staying aboard ship while in port. This is not at all satisfactory. The lodging hous- plan is expected to be a success and will be a boon to the men as well as a great convenience to the company. The house will be conduct ed with a view to perfect sanitary conditions and good order." Mr. Lightfoot'* Remarks. Mr, Lightfoot says th.v while tharrangements hav? not yet been finally completed, the house at th' corner of South and Queen streets will, he believes, soon be occupied by the employees of th- Wilder company. He says that the cottages will be used in all probability by the mates and other officers of th- company. Rooms in the large house will be rented for the small sum of three dollars per month."