Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — COLLISION REPORTS GIVEN TO COLLECTOR [ARTICLE]

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WILL BE SENT TO WASHINGTON Captain Moke is Safe —Masters of Vessels Unddr 25 Tons Are Not Required to Get Papers—Malolo Sailed Yesterday. « Captain Searle. of the J. A- Cummins. and Captain Moke, of the Malolo. have completed their reports regarding the collision of their vessels in the channel last Monday night, and those reports are now in the hands of Collector Stackable who will forward them to the Life Saving section of the Treasury Department by the next mail; * ?. it is said that Captain Moke of the Malolo has no license from the Unit ed States Inspectors of hull? and boil i » rs. although Captain Moke himself, deciar* s that he has one. and will she w it at the proper time and to the proper officials. The regulations governing the issuance of licenses pro- ( vide that captains and mates of all vessels and barges under 100 tons, carrying passengers for hire secure a license, Th-- Malolo does ( not carry passengers. Furthermore there i- a provision in the statutes which provides that captains of power vest'd# under 45 tons are not r*qu)red u> have a license. The Malolo is only 2* tons and consequently Moke says he is protected by this provision. It Is Uk- ly that the matter will be brought To the attention of the inapec i tors of hulls and boilers when th*y arrive here this month. The Malolo) sailed yesterday morning for Koolau' pons. ———