Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 Ianuali 1902 — ACCIDENT AT BREWER'S WHARF [ARTICLE]
Portuguese Stevedore Hit by Sack of Flour Falls in Bay. \ Portuguese working on t.ie asenmer Bur*»k&. which lies at Brewer 3 wharf. was Ike victim of an i accident yesterday morning whi"h j might have had serious consequences, j As it was ht escaped with a morning bath and the loss of half a day s work, j The man was une of a gang of sieve-j don's •■ngaip'd in unloading a j > argo of flevt- which was slung, a dozen each* at a lime. One j of tht sacks clipped from the sling ’ and (vM on .the stevedore who was [ standing at the gangway of the ves i ! sri He fell fvetboaro. struck on 'he j r ige of the wnarf and disappeared ia , i the watur between the steamer .tod 1 the dock. .. • Shortly after, however, he came to the surface, ard was helped on the wfcs.f none the wor>*» for his cx^cti: , cnee. Ue. wanted to tcrume his work I I tcete and thm. but taking the advice 1 (Of CkPtaio Hplvin went home for aj dry suit of clothe* and was on h&ad to work again at 1 o'clock.