Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — NO MORE PASSENGERS FOR THE TRANSVAAL [ARTICLE]

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JNO. BULL S PROHIBITION ORDER. SUamship Agents Notified that after January Ist Passengers for South African Ports Must Produce Permit from British Government. • .• « f Agents of steamship catnpames / have received notice from Donald; Currie &- Co., representing the Brit-, ish steamship lines operating in South Africa, that after January let passengers can be booked for South African ports only on their exhibiting i a permit from the British Government j to land in that country. There has been a good deal of South Airicitn booking from Pacific ports aud agents are Inclined to regard the injunction as practically prohibitive. Subjects of foreign nations must supply themselves with J permits from the British consul of j the district |n which they live before they may proved to any of the South African ports. On receiving such an application the British consul Will satisfy himself, as far a* Me. that the applicants fulfill the necessgrv conditions; !* . J v v* A At. .i .. wl Members of a family proceeding Id South Africa will be shown on the permit Issued fo its head. -hot a separate permit will be required for each ani- danghtgtpter J 5 years .if. ...... . , , ....