Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — “COUNTRY COON” IS A GREAT SUCCESS [ARTICLE]

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PLAY FULL OF MIRTH AND MUSIC Plot Centers Around Hogan Who Arrive* With Chicken and Carries Off an Heiress—Storm at Sea and * Possum” Hunt. A large crowd turned oat last night to see Ernest Hogan and his company in “The Country Coon” at the Or pheam and th-y were well satisfied. The play abounds In mirth and music with such things as a storm at sea and a “possum” hunt thrown in. Th- plot, if such there be. centers around Hogan who, as the Country Coon, develops from a green farmer boy to a society swell and marries tb^ 1 heiress. Every step of his transformation. however, is funny and from the time he enters w ; th a chicken under his coat until h* pops the qo & s tlon to Clarinda he is kept busy pleasing his audience with real comedy. He was ably assisted by each ani every member of a large cast. Th*singing was excellent and many of the choruses were encored time and again. A good piece of character work was the role of the broken down actor taken by Billy McClain who also

made a hit with his typical «>mg Nothing New Th« show had no Uss than three female impersonators, one of th‘-tn being Clenau't who. as the Krer< n adventuress, made by so charming a woman as to fool many in th»- a is ence. Madam Cord“lia as th‘ swell ■ clety leader acted th» «hmrarter t perfection and fitted the part. This week will end fh« Hogan • r gagement and pack <i houses sho - d be tne rule every night