Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — RECEPTION GIVEN TO OGDEN FETHERS [ARTICLE]

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Knights ol Pythias Entertain Supreme Chanceller of the Order Well Received By Honolulu Members—An Address Full of Interest.

A grand reception and dance wer* given, at the Progress hali last night by the Knights of Pythias in honor ol the supreme chancellor of the order, Ogden Fethers. who is at present enjoying a visit to these Islands. The event, which was a perfect success, was gotten up by the following committees: Executive —H. J. Gallagher, chairman, J. W. Kid well. G. Erickson. F Kidwell. A. V. Gear. Ed. Towse. C. V. M. Foster. Or. Sinclair. Reception—John A. Massinger, chairman; Dr. Grossman. E. P. Dole. Dr. Anderson, G. Erickson. E. W. Ward, George Hons. Dr. Derby. Z. K. Myer. D. Dayton. R. Shingle, S. J Salter, C. M. V. Forster. Mr. Reijy. Transportation Charles Beilina, chairman; G. Dennison. C. M White, K R. G. Wallace. W. W. Wright. S. J. Salter. S. Decker. Music —W. H. Hogg, chairman; H. F. Wichman. W. G. Ashley. A. Arndt F. Kilby. Work —H. J. Gallagher, chairman: A. V. Gear. Ed. Towse. A. L. Morris. H. Taylor. Hall—H McKeclhie, chairman: E. Towse. Z. K. Myer. Finance —John D. Holt, chairman; John Neill. A. E. Murphy. A. Rosenblatt. A. M. Gartenberg. Entertainment —C. T. Wilder, chairman; J. B. Gorman. F. Kilby, J. T Crawley. A. E. Murphy. Dr. Peterson. Geo. Ashler, W. H Hoogs. John Kidwell. A. V. Gear, H. J. Gallagher E. Towse. Many to Greet Chancellor. At 8 o’clock there was a goodly assemblage present in. gala dress ready to greet the supreme chancellor! A short while afterwards the guard of honor of Sir Knights arrived and filed in parade in two lines facing each other on the middle of the floor The guard under the command of Captain Saltus. First Lieutenant MeKegue and Second Lieutenant Whitehouse. escorted the supreme chancellor’s carriage from the Hawaiian hotel to the hall, where they preceded him upstairs. When Mr. Feth> rs and party arrived they passed through the file of Sir Knights and proceeded to a comer in the room where they were presented

to the people, who flux! passed chancellor shaking hands with a!’ Talk to Ladies and Gentlemen, After the presentation Mr Fethe in a short speech, spoke of the sure, of the order of the Knights of Pythl and of the good which was effected it. He called the attention of t men to the great value which the der had for them, and he address the ladies, showing that their hosban were being made into more true ai better men through its influence 1 ended his speech by expressing t great pleasure which this trip t>* tl Islands had afforded him and spoke glowing terms of the beauty ai charm of this country. After this speech the native sextet played the grand march, whit h w led by Dr. and Mrs. Sinclair The rest of the evening wa., spe in dancing, which, together with tl music, the finely decorated hall at the cooling refreshments which w.served between dances, was vastly >■ joyed by all present. Those Who Were Present. Among those present were the fr lowing: Supreme Chancellor On t Kethers. Mrs. Hayward Or. and M Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs H. H William Mr. and Mrs. O. Whitehead. Mr. at Mrs. Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Ilarnhar Mr. and Mrs. Carl Taylor. Mr. ai Mrs. C. E. Moore. Mr. and Mrs V H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M and Mrs. 1), R. McXicboll. Mr. ai Mrs, Simplon. Mr and Mrs. Z. * Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace. V and Mrs. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. M Wardrell. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berry. M and Mrs. K. Jacobsen. Mr. an! Mr Pamialeo, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mi Tlgh Mr and Mrs. W. W. Wright Mr at Mrs. Middleditch. Mr. and Mrs E. V Si haefer. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. ' : and Mrs. Bryant. Mrs Ward. Miss !, man. Miss Gunderson. Miss Oss. MlAndrews. Mi<s Wright Miss Dayt Miss Mossman. Judge Perry, Hcnr Giles, George Angus. J D Crawley Merrithew. Mr. Walcott, M. M, Coh> : Mr. Burmastow. Ira Berger. Thom i O'Bryan. H. Myhrle, A. Morris. H . Gallagher. Sam Ih*i ker. J B Gorm n Mr. Booth. John E« kerat. H. M< Kechnie. Mr. Ma-- W. A. Disney. A {• Murphy. A. Ar*-ndt. Jas. MeCraidy W. Carter. Chas. Beilina F. H Kill)- j E. J. Town and many others.