Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — HAALELEA LAWN TREE CAUSES GRAVE INJURY [ARTICLE]

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MRS. TROMBLY IS THE VICTIM Returning Home From Prayer Meeting Lady Has an Eye Cut by Branch —Danger to Rag'd Transit Passengers is Considerable- ’ - J When the Rapid Transit car which leaves Palama at 8 o'clock in the ► vening. Punahou bound, arrived at the intersection of Richards and HOD! streets last evening. Mrs. Charlotte Trombly, residing at Makiki. boarded it homeward bound. She had attend ed the prayer m- eting at Centra! Union Church and was in good spirits. Little did she know that she would never get home in that car. When the car arrived at the corner of Hotel and Richards street, the conu; t r gave the usual warning "Stone wall to th-' left, lojk out!" Pa##en ger# moved their head? a little more into the inside of the car. but the j tree? climbing over the Haalelea Lawn stone wall were tco much for j them. In loss time than it takes to tell, one of the branches had entered into Mrs. Trombly's eye making a largo cut from which blood flowed j profusely. A hack was called, and a doctor, wno happened to be in the car, took the lady to his office w-here she was given preliminary treatment. He then escorted her to her home on Keeaumoku street.