Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — EARLY MORNING FIRE AT KING AND FORT [ARTICLE]

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BIG BLAZE OF OLD BUILDINGS. William Young, of Republican Staff. Turns in Alarm—Apparently Starting in Chinese Tailor Shop— Small Damage's Done. Flames were discovered bursting j from the midst of the three small j frame buildings at the corner of King i am! Fort street shortly before 2:30 o’clock this morning. William Young, a linotype operator, was going home from his work on The Republican when he was startled by the glare. He immediately ran to the police station and turned in the alarm. The department responded in good time, having two engine? and the chemical engine on the scene three minute? af : ter the alarm w-as sent in. The flames leaped high at first and wen consuming the Fort Street side, of J. H. West’s paint shop on King | street, eating into the little Chinese, cigar store and tailor shop next to i Tracy's furnishing store on Fort street. A couple of streams were soon playing on the flames and had their effect. The flames gave way* to smoke and the smoke finally to the mere smell of w hat the fire was done and all was J over. The Chinese store was broken open and the goods taken out. Things were hurried across the re*-t and dumped on the sidewalk. In a veryshort time the little store was empty and the firemen had more room in which to move. The Manufacturing Harness Company's store, directly on the corner, was not damaged to any extent. There is some doubt as to how the tire originated, but it is thought from an examination made after it was out. that a small oil stove in the back of the tailor shop and cigar store of Wong Tai Kee. between the harness shop and Tracy's place, was the cause. The stove had probably been left burning w hen the tailor store was closed.