Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 Ianuali 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CUNIFIED IDVERTIBEMENTS « A4r*rtxaem**U m ikit coimmn trxU ie inerted «l 10 cent* a iim* irt t nwfliw; 5 crata * iww m*erfrom; 25 orwia per bm* per iw»; 33 ce«r* ger .'»ae two week*. «»4 30 oewXa per tv »«r niwtt. WANTED. WANTED—To aefl. ejtce dne white Di*mood ring* : *Uo fine opal ring*l r**•ocaMe price*. W*tebe* repaired *a time. G. Diet*. watchmaher and f» ♦ter. Fort »t, near EloteL ia PrMcacfk •tore. WANTED —Girls to do laundry wort Apply Santarv Steam Laundry. Kawaiabao anc South street*. WANTED —Comp-tent white cook, desires position la Hotel or R '<:aa rant. Address Room 13. Villa House. WANTED —Two single i at - r.- r. do sire rooms and rood table board, either ia house or cottage near, must not be far from business portion of city. Expect to remain permanently if satisfactory and rates reasonable Address A. B Republican OfR '-' R2* RENT. ROOMS FOR RENT-Helen s Court j Private Hotel, off Adams Lane, near Elite Building Phone White IWI. H M Levy, m.iaag-r. TO LET—Delightful roomy bath tabs, with either hot or cold water, and every improvement and convenience known to the modern age—At Silent Barber Shop. TO LET —Newly furnished doubi* parlors; also rooms. Beretanla ave., cor. Keaumoku. FOR RENT—An eight room cotta** on Young street. Apply J. A. Mv goon. Magoon building COMFORTABLE COTTAGES ON the premises of *he Sanitary Steam laundry Co. Ltd.. Marmion and South streets. The cottages contain 4 rooma, kitchen and bath room No extra charge for hot and cold water and electric light*. Rent reasonable. Apply on the premises to J. Lightfoot. manager. Have Just Opened i An entirely New Consignment of ... SILK GOODS IN PIECE. SHAWLS. PAJAMAS. HANDKERCHIEFS. CUSHION COVERS, TABLE COVERS. GRASS LINEN EMBROIDERED CARVED IVORY WARE. SANDAL WOOD BOXES. JEWELRY and NO VET.TIES. ALL ORIENTAL GOODS OF THE VERY BEST. THE Phong Fal Co., 33 KING STREET. For IDO:* FRESH GROCERIES H-O CRISPS OYSTERS SHRIMPS CRABS CAVIAR POTTED BLOATERS. ANCHOVIES. —AT— J. SALT GROCERY. ORPHEUM BLOCK. Phone Blue 687. WHY HOT BUT THE BEST? It COSTS NO MORE u w • Eureka Wickless Blue Flame OIL STOVES toil with a'icaraa-e* Kerosene anil Gasoline Wickless Stoves —FOR SALE AT THE— Hawaiian Hardware Co. ltd FORT STREET. ♦ Business men wiU tell yon ♦ w that an ad in The Republic- ♦ ♦ aa brings good reanlta b*- ♦ • * eanae the peopli r-ad it, ♦