Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Karin* made large addltloos to owr machinery. we are bow able to lans der Spreads. Sheets. Pillow SUpa. I Napkins and Towels at Ike rate o< 25 cents per DOZEN CASH. 1 Strictly Op-to-Date and Sanitary Laundry 3ai}itary stea/n (?o.. Ljtd. R<n* up MAIN 73. and oar waxons will call for your work '

California Harness Sfjop Fort Str««t» Oppcsit: Club Stable*. nfINUPfICTUREJSS OP PINOLE DOUBLE DRAT DELIVERY UPStSS V CARRIAGE ICICI m REPAIRING A, SpeoialtjD. O. HAMMAN, ? t 1 > - '» !| /Vndrew oslyer 8: Co.’s I IPECIAL KKSKRVI* SCOTCH WHISKEY "NONE EQUAL w f=e:aoook & o 0.. SOLE AGENTS. * The Coyne s _ . . , ' •r;, ri v - I Furniture Co., r- |! lF“=*a . a.;is offering some a REACT!FT'I. MEDIUM >M SETS AT ~ir £ HOLIDAY I’KICKS. £ In WHITE MAPLE. BIRDSEYE J M CPLE, i • ak. MAH<KJANY, * ash. ELM and PINE. f . I t -1 - i * v. ~J —T : y j'l'ho Pro K re«i Itlook. FORT STRtfcT : •<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<«< * CONDON’S NIGHT PATROL RELIABLEWATCHMEN FURNISHED ;< FOR 4’ Building's, Business Property *; AND Residences * ALSO Ships and Docks Rates Reasonable PHONE BLUE 1211. OFFICE: 1243 FORT STREET. Fred Philp&Bno. HARNESS MAMTAOTREKS AND REPAIRERS— Wright Building. King St. .PHONE BLUE 20M.

'l' R V THE ALOHA SALOON DOU’X BY THE IKON WORKS For a Good, Tasty Schooner O I" BKKR. _ ELEMME BROS.. Proprietors. Honolulu Iron Works Go ...STEAM ENGINES... BOILERS. SUGAR MILLS. GOOD ERS. BRASS and LEAD CASTINGS and Machinery of eeery description mad* to order. Particular attention paid to ship’s blachsmithing. Job work ’ted on shortest notice Beaver. lunch. Rooms. M. J. NOLTE, : ; : : Propr. Fort Street. Just receired a new lot of celebrated FIVE TEST CIGARS New York Capaduraa, Washington. Aliston, Union d« Cuba, Grand Republic. Etc.