Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 Ianuali 1902 — REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS [ARTICLE]
The following transactions in real • estate have been recorded: Recorded December 26. 1901. J. A. Aheong to Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company; extension of lease; Grant 2140, Makaida. Koolau. Maui: thirty years at $250. Book 233. pap 5. Dated September 23. 1901. Recorded December 27. 1901. .1. A. Paakiki and husband to Honokaa Sugar Company: lease; R. P. 94*:, Haina. portion Grant 24H5. Papaanui. Hamakua. Hawaii; twelve years at $920. Book 225. page 410. Dated December 4. 1901. M. K. Mikalemi and husband to K. E. Herbert; mortgap ; R. P. 785, Kul. 2"53. Rp. 1786, Kill. 5819. R. P. 5089. Kul. 2051. Aiea. Ewa, Oahu: $3."00. Bn -k 227. page 492. Dated Deft mber 24. 19*11. J .A. Paakiki and husband to Honokaa Sugar C omrany; mortgage; Grant 94*:. Haina. Hamakua. Hawa'i: $6OO. B ok 227. page 494. Dated December 4, 1901.
Recorded December 28. 1901. H. Gorman and wife to G. L. Sam son; deed; lots 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 and 16. block 40, Kaimuki tract. Honolulu. Oahu; $3. Book 229. page 309. Dated December 27, 1901. Kalaweaumoku and wife et al. to Ho Poi: lease; piece land, Kahehuna. Honolulu. Oahu; years at 170. Book 225. page 418. Dated D - cember 27. 1901. S. Kapu to Ah W»i; lease; piece land and portion building. Paia. Ha nmkualoa. Maui: ten years at 160. Dated May 25. 1901. U Kaluaokele and husband to First Xat'cnal Bank: mortgage, portion R. P. 124" Kul. 4917 Kievela. piece 'and, Owa. Wailuku. Maui; 11500. Book 212. page ♦, Dated December 27. 1901, Recorded Decembei 30. 1901. H B. P j nhal!ow to Trustees Oahu College: mcrtgag": lot 3. block 17. ' College Hills tract, Honolulu. Oahtr; j tlO-0. Book 227. page 496. DaPd De- I cember 2. 1901. Recorded December 31. 1901. S. A. Macy to G. H. Huddy; release; piece land. Kalihi, Honolulu. Oahi.: 1432. Book 227. page 377 Dat- 1 ed December 28. 1901. Mrs Aana *0 Ho Sun: lease; R P Kul. 7723. Mananaiki. Ewa. Oa i hu; fifteen years at 180. Book 233, ■ page 9. Dated December 23 1899 Ho San to Honolulu Plantati n Company; assignment of lease; R P. 624<\ Kul. 7723. Manaiki. Ewa Oahu; *l. Book 233. pag* 10. Dated June 23. 1901. Recorded January 2. 1902. Hu! of Waikane to Wing W© Tai it Company: lease; 2 26-100 acres in J hui land of Kalasloa. Koolaapoko. Oaha; ten vears it |4'> Bo k 233. pag ■ * 10. Dated December 13. 1901. }
Nev» Ice C*ea~- Panor*. I) G Camamcos has recently open ?d up a dainty and neat ice cream parlor, corner of Aiakea and Kir.g. Everything clean and tasty. Ice cream cool drinks, etc. Don t fail to drop In. •
Call ap Phone 2IS and r-t oar rnrr* vr 8.-* »’ lading and Rnhng. RepnMitaa office.
Paio-Ktlier. the old *nd well-known remedy has acquired a world-wide renown for the cure of sadden colds, coughs etc . weak stomach, indigestion. cramp or pain in the stomach, bowel compiaint. diarrhoea and dysentery. It has lost none of its good name by repeated trials, bat continues to occupy a prominent position | in every family medicine chest. Avoid substitutes, there is but one PainKiller, Perry Davis'. Price 25c. and 50c.