Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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★ The OLIVER TYPEWRITER m _LgSimpllcJtr. durability. and manifolding power aro conceded to be the four great essentials la a typewriting machine. We present to the public THE OLIVER as the latest and most striking: embodiment of these features, and the most radical departure from other methods of construction. Examine this up-to-date machine before deciding upon a pur chase of an inferior makeWall. STioHols Co., I*td, Agents for Territory of Hawaii. Then. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. SUGAR FACTORS. • MPORTERS OF General rDerchapdise COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AGENTS FOR Canadian-Australian Steamship line Lloyds. British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. i Fire and Life . Canadian Pacitic Railway Co. Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool \ Best Kootincj on Earth * t y ■» y y y y y y y y y y y y I I y y y y y y I y w r ' : -. N -A m .Vi ) J 3 t _ IVsTv. ■ fcr " .rwU-Vi*' 3TWW • * . m T JwaauiauDtti kmi rsS? ‘ * W . rr'zttxsnm x t U't tr. e«ji. rrarr trrr Hi - . L. i Si -l: . a A a a 4 I t Alpine Plaster Herring-Bone Expanded Metal Lath AND Building Specialties. Hawaiian Trading Co., Limited MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS. y 1142 Fort Strest Love Building. ;»»»» »»»>»»»» »m»uu >»>>>>>>>>>>>> NEW ARC LAMPS W w w *» RECEIVE HEARTY ENDORSEMENTS. .4 4 W W * * The n-.-w enclosed type of Arc Lamps w- ar*- now installing receive the hearty endorsement of ail who are now using them. Mr. T. Rosenberg, of the Globe Clothing Co says’ "You may say for me that I am highly pleased with these lamps and would have no other. They meet every requirement, are soft, brilliant and steady, and so far as I can see. are absolutely without fault.” These lamps we will install at a very small coat. They will give five times the amount of light of the Incandescent for the same money. Burn eighty hours with one trimming and give a soft, penetrating, evenly distributed light, without fluttering or noise. For further information, send us a postal, or ring up Main 390. and we will be pleased to call at your office. * w w : The Hawaiian Electric Co.. Ltd. Ivinas Street Near Alakea, »<< rctrumt c«««« ftitmrc rtmrrwmrrmttt t * <t Groceries! Sun "in? Lung Co. CANNED FRUITS. CANNED MEATS. CANNED FISH. K. YAU TOUNG. Manager. TEAS. COFFEES. SUGAR. FLOUR and FRUITS. .at.. Corner Alakea & King Sts. r RUITS and FRESH OYSTERS by every boat. KONA COFFEE. KONA BUTTER, GUAVA JELLY. FRANK AVEIRO'S Beretania Street n-ar Alakea. Geods Delivered Free.