Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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The pour Great Boxes & !.4 Italian's '‘Emperor' llanan's “fte\vev" anriii's “Oregon C Italian's ••Olympic All Box Calf, All New Lasts, All Guaranteed Wearers. Montauk/’ Hanan’s New Chrome Tan, originated and made solely by Hanan’s. Mclncrny’s Shoe Store. Mc.NTYRE block. BETHEL STREET WAY v i? \ AT NO 116 <!> •T* I I i With the same old sign on the winaowr and A Brand New Stock 0f.,,, WALL PAPERS. PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTH and MATTINGS. »! '■ \ w t I I irsiSi you wi II find THE \ I • « • i We are handling all kinds of Plate Glass (Any duality—Any Quantity.) M’KECHNIE Paint and Wall Paper CO. PHONE 62 I 81 H l THE KASH CO., ltd TODAY laconics another yesterday, tomorrow will l»ecoine another todav. don't wait for tomorrow 1m COME TODAY Hero area tow sons'll tie suggestions for Holiday (lifts: Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Suspenders, Umbrellas, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Silk Hose, Underwear, Shirts. Pajamas, Ties. ill All the above and many more useful gifts are to be had at ill The Kash Co., Ltd. TWO STORES- TWO STOCKS. F. 0. Box 558. TELEPHONES: 9fam 96 and Ma:n 3T6 23 and 27 Hotel Street and Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets. <x>^<>o<>cvxkx>c>c<^xxxxxxxxx>o<c>ooo<c>o<xxxx>o<c>oocx> i» r 30in. Guage lbs. Rails 36 in. Guage 30 lbs. Rails liiiijiletc it FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. —BY—II. liiickfiid A* Co., •Ajl.lMl rKD.'I. *4 * oo<x><>c>o<x><x>o<k<>oocoooc<><x>oooo<x><>ckx>c>o<>c><>!>