Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
•M >3l Tb:~ # oc - Sr-: GREAT SALE OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR • we to mas- - it the most wonderful sale of any kind ever h-’UI in Honolulu. No word# that we could «-• would be t #:ro-g n 4zg the splendid values which we shall offer for • - its days of this sale Th pric-'# we hon -#;y (► ';■»( are the very I *•#: a the world for irvd goods. As ith >-= ar- good g ,*i# Every ar • in this sale has been selected with the object in v.ew of aucng every buyer t > become a permanent customer of the hou*-*. Most people know how onr sales a: .-on : ■- • Th-v v- * ■ a WHITNEV «. VARSH SALE -a -v: a- .. They know that the day befor* t;:-* sal- be- n- r the day aft - r ends, they caar. t purchase any art; > a: :h-‘ -mi or. t’.c r~ vails in the sale In this instan • every piece of usd <-ar figures in this -a!c there has -n pinn* ; a p;nk k- t I 'aruiu r sale price. If there are any garments left ar ;h- of th- -a e . n Saturday aftern n these tlcke's com• off and t; i to their original prices There a- two n;.‘f #ab - f ->th- r art;. which we will not now mention to be held in the two weeks following this, la both of these sales th- -am. pc■ v f gxtraor- 1 -. art prices for the wk of the sale oniy will be carried out Muslin underwear is this yar da:nt;-r --.an • v-r before j» . made mostly from fine, sheer fabrics, muslin. cambru and lawn, trimmed with pretty insertion, embroider,-# and ribbons The - uh' gown# usually have low necks and short slwc w.th tr;mnv.n« of ribbon and iace or embroidery and are especially suitabU to th * climate. Corset covers, chemises, petticoats and. draw.-- ar- t harm » -• Ized by a wealth of variety In style and daintiness in trimm o; lIITXICV \ MARSH. I/ri), ■ .txzxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxi r: 3 i i N * H * •< *■ *• H M OUR CROW FOR 1902 lainmiiiis A boy once wrote: “I luv a rooster fer tew things—one iz the krow Ui.it iz in him. and the other is the spurs that air on him to bak up his crow with." • • • We admit having crowed often and loud, but we have the "spurs to back up the krow ” We sell pure and wholesome Groceries. H. MAY & CO.. Ltd. Boston Block. Telephones, 22, 24, 92. Fort Street. P. O. Box 38*1. IXXXXXXXXXXZIIXXIXXTXtXUnion” Gas Engines STATIONARY MARINE Agents von Hamm-Young Co,,Ltd. STREET. fttf-TELEPHONE, MAIN 276. There’s a World Of healthful refreshment, inspiration and delight in a gla of tt PRIMO LAGER Its absolute purity combined withh the rare flavor of the ch<>i'**-,t bops, make it a delightful beverage and the best tonic. Order a case from Brewer/ for table use. Main 341. Something that will wear, lookwell and not cost too much. WE HAVE IT In every wood, color, shape an-i price. H. H. WILLIAMS. 1T46—1148 Fort Street. 3*6 JWS F U R N I T U R E E. W. QUINN PLUMBER Estimates furnished on First-Class Modem Plumbing. Tb» Patronage of Owners. Archl fe-'ts a;id Builders Solicited. P. O Box IS2. 116 Colon 9l Sang Chan Merchant Tailor TWO STORES. No. «4 Hotel, opp. New Rngtasd Sag ery. and Hotel street, opp. Hoffman Saloon. Suits Made to Order in the Latest Styles, Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Clothing Cleaned. Dyed and Repaired