Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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We repair it. BICYCLES ENAMELED IN ALL COLORS. C. A. COWAN. 1186 Union Street. OPP. PACIFIC CLUB. Phone White Oil For Some GENUINE HIRE'S ROOT BEER or GINGER ALE All kinds of drinks delivered to all parts of the city upon the receipt of order. ARCTIC Soda Water Works 127 Miller Street EXCORE SALOOX Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigar RYAN & DEMENT. Northwest corner Hotel and Nuuanu Streets. |1 you have lit anything 11 broken DEPOT SALOOX Honolulu Brewing and Malting Draught and Bottled Beer. King street, opp. O. R. & L. Co Depot RYAN & DEMENT, Prop BISHOP & COMPANY BANKERS Ssta-blisHed in. 1050. BANKING DEPARTMENT. Transact business in all departments of banking. Collections carefully attended to. Exchange bought and sold. Commercial and Travelers’ Letters of Credit issued on The Bank of California. and N. M. Rothchild & Sons. I.c prion. Correspondents: The Bank of California; Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney. Ltd., London. Drafts and cable transfers on China and Japan through the Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation and Chartered Bank of India. Australia & China. Interest allowed on term deposits at the following rates per cent per an num. viz.: Seven days' notice, at 2 per cent. Three months, at 3 per cent. Six months, at 3Lj per cent. Twelve months, at 4 per cent TRUST DEPARTMENT. Act as Trustees under mortgages. Manage estates (real and persona!). Collect rents and dividends. Valuable papers. Wills. Binds, etc., received for safe keeping. ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT. Auditors for Corporations and Private Firms. Books examined and reported on. Statements of Affairs prepared. Trustees on Bankrupt or In solvent Estates. Office. 924 B-thel Street. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits received and interest allowed at 4*2 per cent per annum, in accordance with Rales and Regulations. copies of which may be obtain ed on appPcation. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Agents for Fire. Marine. Life. Accident and Employers' Liability Insurance Companies. Insurance Office. 924 Bethel Street. BISHOP & CO.. SAVINGS BANK Office at banking building on Mer:hant street. Saving Deposits will be received snd Interest allowed by this Bank at 4**. per cent per annum. Printed copies of the Rules and Reglatkms may be obtained on appliraBISHOP & CO.