Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — PORTO RICAN'S ASYLUM BILL [ARTICLE]

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CHARGES FOR INSANE PATIENT PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION IS DISPOSED TO SETTLE ON MORE MODERATE BASIS Health Officer Pratt Claims that the Man was Allowed to Land Only on Guarantee that Cost of His Maintenance Would be Defrayed. The Hawaiian Planters' Association through its representative W. O Smitn. has agreed to a compromise with the Territorial health officials regarding the charges filed against the Association for the care of an insane Porto Rican now confin- 1 at the Insane Asylum and who. It is c laimed, was placed there on the order of its representative J A. Gilman.. The matter was first brought to j light w hen a bill for services rendered the insane man was submitted to the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association by Dr. Malste r. the resident physician at the Asylum. The Association immediately filed a demurrer against the charges, claim ing that the afflicted laborer was not. j and never had been, under any agreement with the Planters' Association for employment, hfnee the charge; was not justifiable. According to the storv of Health Officer .1. S. B. Pratt, the Porto Rican was to have been prevented from | landing on these shores after his ar-1 rival w ith a large company of planta-j tion laborers. Dr Pratt claimed that | at the request and promise of Mr. Gil-! man. representing the Planters' Asso : ciation. the Porto Rican was permit- • ted to leave the ship. Gilman stating that the Planters' Association would see that the cost incurred in keeping the Porto Rican at the Insane Asylum ■ would be borne by the Association. I With this distinct agreement. Dr. : Pratt was prevailed upon to withdraw) his objections to the entry of tne afflicted man. 9 The matter was brought up at a meeting of the Board of Health some weeks ago. and has since been pend- ' ing. It is now understood that the Planters' Association is disposed to meet the Board of Health half way in the matter, and that if the bill for the care of the man is reduced to j moderate figures, the Association will fettle the amount. A definite agreement will in all probability be reached by the time the Board of Health holds its meeting I next week. .