Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — OLD NATIVE FOUND WITH BROKEN LEG [ARTICLE]

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CARRIES A PACKAGE OF OPIUM. Injured Man at Palama, Near Pain's Track —Was Probably Hit by Car While He Was Under the Influence of Opium. An old native was found by Sheriff . McGurn last night lying helpless with one l* g broken, on a spot near the l.irge rice fields by King street in Palam a. Th* old man. who is a resident of that part of town, was in a stupified condition and did not seem to suffe r any pain. How he broke his leg is somewhat of a mystery. He was lying between the' fence and the Pain c ar trac k and a Herman boy. who lived n.-ar by, stated that he had heard some sort of a racket when the car passed and had consequently run over to sec* what w-as th* 1 matter. When he arrived the car had gone, however. and he* found the old man Ving on the road. Sheriff McGurn telephoned for the patrol wagon in which the injure.d man was taken to the hospital. During all this time the old fellow was hanging on to wha* appeared to be a bundle of rags On the arrival at the hospital, however, a tin of opium dropped out. of the package. This seems to explain the* stupefied condition of the man. who probably was on an opium drunk when the car came along and hit him.