Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — ROOM FOR CHAMBER i IF COMMERCE [ARTICLE]

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AS LONG AS THE BUILDING STANDS RESOLUTIONS ARE PASSED FOR PROPER PUNISHMENT OF ANARCHISTS. Letter Containing Sentiment* of Local Chamber to te Sent to Pittsburg Body—After Moving Into New Quarter* Many New Member* Will be Urged to Join. A meeting of the Chamber of Comm< r c was h*-!d in Castle A- Cooke's b riding yesterday morning, at 10 ink. Tho nn* settled down to r»u“in»-J'« with muMial promptness. Th* mm t< - f th<- previous meeting w<- ■ r« ad by Secretary Spencer and approved on motion of F. A Schaefer, -etvmded by VV F. Allen Samuel • I Wilder whose name was brought up at the previous meeting, was aci < pted a> a member of the chamber. Suppression of Anarchy. The next a< ted upon was the report of the committee which had beep appointed in connection with a letter re'eived from the Chaml*er of Commerce of Pittsburg. which asks ail the Chambers of Commerce throughout the States to cooperate in the s ’ppres~.on of anarchism and to provilde for those who murder or attempt to murder t*en>on» holding pn.-itions of high authority also pro-»id-rg iid«-quafe punishment for those who aid and abet the perpetrators of mil crimes, and furth* r providing against the immigration of anarchists and their allies. Se ( ret ary Spencer reported that the < hainnan of the committee had promised to be present at this meeting and report on the findings of the committee. r \ Scha**fer mov**d that immediate i •..>!! be taken and that the secretary b instructed to draff and forward to the chamber ol Commerce of Pitts burg a letter expressing the sentintents of the local Chamber of Com mrro in the matter, by stating, that the Chamber was fully in accord with th' measure- suggested and gave it it lid! endorsement. The motion wa- seconded by J. 15. Atherton and i unanimously carried. Hackfeld 4. Co.'s Generous Offer. The report of the committee on n* w r'Mints w a,- heard next. \V, F Vilen reporting that M Hackfeld A Co. had promised to furnish a room for the iise of the Chamber in their new building, free of rent with the creep lion of the telephone and other minor c\n* uses, which should be borne by th* Chamber of Commerce. The chair ask* d for how long a period this oft r was good, and was promptly an swe* c*| by Mr Is. nberg that the off.*r wa- gotal for :»s long as th* building stood. \\ F. Vilen added to his report th motion that the offer be accepted and. a letter of thanks written to the firm for its generous offer. The motion was seconded by Cecil Brown and unanimously carried. Commission to Mr. Haywood. : t moxc.i by Mr Schaefer and ond.-d b> VV F. A '-n that a new Chamb* r of Commerce commission l*e issued for the present year to Mr Hay wood, the Planters Association having already re-engaged his services The motion was carried, whereafter the financial committee's request for more time for consideration of the salary of Mr Haywood was granted. V discussion * oneerning the desirability which the obtaining of the new rooms made, for adding more mem tiers to the Chamber of Commerce on sued, and the list of names of members and proposed members of the Merchants' Association was read aloud by the secretary. t’pon a motion from J. B Atherton the meeting then adjourned. Present at the meeting were the following: President. C. M. Cooke; -*■* retary. J. O, Spencer; J. B. Atherton F. M. Swaniy, W. V, Allen. F. J. l. -wrie. Cecil Brown. H A. isenberg, H. nr;. Waterhouse. W. 1. Hooper. !. M 1 ean and W VV. Hall.