Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — SHIPPING NEWS AND NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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A new *>s foot spar for fhe yacht I-a Paloma is in process of construction. George Scott ha< been appointed chief engineer of the F-arless. The barken*ine S O. Wi'.d-r and Archer will sail today for the Coast. The tug Fearless was on the marine railway yesterday afternoon whersh*» was scraped and painted. The work of making the Pacific Mail Deck rat proof was begun y-»s--i terd&y morning. It will occupy several days. A new survey was held on the bark Hesper yesterday atternon. The r i suit of the survey has not yet been made public. The old schooner Mokihana will soon be put into commission and will be readr to receive freight the latt r part of the week. The J a. Cammirs has been moored at the end of the Pacific Mail wharf where she will be rep-aired by Soreason and Lyle, The steamer Molokai has been pat on the run of the J. A Cummins and-

Captain Searle transferred his flag to the old boat yesterday afternoon. The W. G. Hall will go out in place of the Manna Loa on Friday as the repairs to the larger steamer will not be completed in time for her to take up the running on her regular sched ulc. The st p amer Kaiulani. which was booked to sail for Hawaii Tuesday afternoon was detained here until ? ' Sterday. She received some extra heavy machinery for Huelo mill and went to sea at 2 p. mWork on the new Bishop wharves mar the Honolulu Iron Works was begun yesterday. The preliminary work consists of constructing the Waikiki sea wall which will be run out from the Ala Moana to the side of the Hea lani boat house. The small building between the Healani and Myrtle club houses was floated away yesterday afternoon.