Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 Ianuali 1902 — SISAL GROWN IN ■II PROVES TO BE BIG SUCCESS [ARTICLE]
Manufacturers Offer to Buy All the Local Crops at Good Prices. STRENGTH IS TESTED IN TORONTO satisfactory Results Dented From Trip Made by Secretary W. C. Weedon. * O"'0 Company Ready tD Contract for Entire Output of Pearl City Plant Beat Machinery Desired for Cleaning Fiber— Committee to Report Conclusions and Recommendations to Stockholders. Th cultivation of sisal on the iano ..wn tl and controlled by the Hawaii an i t,. r Company was shown to be ~ cni-rinK at a highly pratifyinc i at** a> cording to reports submitted 11 a meeting of tn- board of directors 1,.-m . eaterday afternoon in the offices : (••■, jl Brown. president of the Hawaiian Fib»*r Company. That the concern has a ready and refit able market fer all the product ... it, command was ampiy attested In th*- statements made by its secretary and treasurer. W C Weedon. «h« bet Just returned from an ext. r. i. i business trip throughout the iru* business < • at -t*. on th» mainCrop Ready to Harvest. 'I i Hawaiian Fiber Company now •ms under cultivation ”- r »0 acres of land n nr Pearl City The acreage Is , :• i in sisal from which .» fine r> of fiber is manufactured. One ■tdred and fifty acres of the tract ready for harvesting The . i .ji will be the first to be taken from The lands. M: W ec don's report was not only •iti resting but most encouraging to ti,, directors He told of his visit to I (Tain N V and Washington. l>. C. I I ■ ach place he m t and submitted ample* of the Hawaii groVn crop to Mr Cl’arb-s Uiehard 1 fudge an expert ■ 1 much renown upon matters pertaining to fibers. Mr IVdge pro- , . m e,| th’ samples to be of excel--1 i quality He was of the opinion the coral lands of these islands w . well adapted to the growth of al fiber The unqualified success proposition was predict'd by Opinion of Manufacturers, V We. doa also submitted letters f u a New York fiber manufacturer ■ w'i h the -ample from Hawaii was p- iHumced of Rood length and color, ind ,>f superior strength. It was also Matt 1 that It was th» belief that the company hatl found the proper soil t .'us* for the growth o t fiber 0 ui.ts \. . online to th- eastern ex- !" rt ;h, product would average some V la’ ; igher than the best Yucatan tih. that has arrived in th« market 1;', • ■ . cut years, Mr Weedon also stated that -am 1- - were- pr sented to the Toronto. » .-..1 ia Cordage Company It was t: ■ it that tests were made and the strength was found very satisfactory. Th.. concern stat'd 'ts willingness to t.»ke th-’ entire crop of the Hawaiian F t Company at fair prit-es and. to bar 1 up the assertion requested quot at oi's from the secretary. Offers to Buy the Crop. \ Miiwaukee. Wis . or Jape firm » . also report'd a bidder for the • samples of which were aent to The factory and afterwards tested. They were pronounced very superior. sample being of exceedingly fine quality. The bids f a Clev- land Ohio, com pauy showed that the firm was ready ' take 1W tons of fiber a! a high p: ice and in fact was ready to con-t-.-id for the entire output of the I'. ~rl City plant The directors were' n h elated over the representatiob mute and the manner In which the f"»r ‘ nd been recei'ed in cordage manufacturing circles on the main land. Suitable Machinery Desired. Th. director* also discuss'd maeh P'-ry suitable for the plant. They wen* inform'd that at the present time two different machines were on the mark't capable of thoroughly cleaning the sisal and preparing the flhrr for market. Mr. Weedon sub-
m;tted estimates regarding the cost of the machinery necessary for equip ping the Pear! City plant The directors appointed Secretary Weedon and Manager A. H. Turner as a committee to submit conclusions and recomm'-ndations at a meeting to be held next month. The officers and director* of the Hawaiian Fiber Company include the following Cecil Brown, president. W. C. We edon s*-< r**tary and treasurer. and A H. Turner manager