Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 Ianuali 1902 — DRILL DAY YESTERDAY ALONG THE FRONT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


NO ARRIVALS AND FEW SAILINGS IwaUm Comfs from Eleele —Eureka and Sheridan Fail to Make an Appearance—No News of the Condor—C.'ast Mail Due Today. Wry little business was transacted along th« uat* rfront yesterday. There were nu ill ep water oc coast arrivals, although severa' were expected. Peopl* an- b-ginning to wonder what has happened to the Kureka now thirteen , iays out from Seattle Mr, L. K j It* b*- the lot al agent of the Globe Navigation Co. was on the lookout for her all day. and when evening * ante he was greatly disappointed at h*-r failure to arrij-e. Tin British sloop of war Condor. : v days . >ut from Victoria for this port also failed to arrive. Although the shipping pap* rs of the coast mention her departure for Honolulu, it may be that she had secret orders and went South without stopping here The next mail from the Coast may bring news of her safe arrival at some Mexican port. The transport Sheridan, which •>1 from San Francisco on January Ist. was confidently expected to ar rive yesterday, although she Is not ; • this morning. She should bring thr*e days’ later mail and pa pens The Inter-Island steamer Iwalani aniv. i from Eleeie early in the mornit with *■■•«" bag* of sugar, and 75 package*. sundries Purser Hapai re Ports the Janes Makee at Kilauea < - barging freight in rough weather. \* r> g.H'd w.'ather was encountered •n Kauai and also coming across the i hannel. in the afternoon the Charles Wood- * ur> sailed for Hilo, the steamer Ka- j uiiani for Hueio. and the Lehut for Maul and Molokai ports.