Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — CAMARINOS BLOSSOMS FORTH A SPRINTER [ARTICLE]

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HAS LOST SIX POUNDS OF OPU. Gammy Training Down His Profile by Fleet Sprinting ' Around Thomas Sauare. and Will Soon be a Mere Shadow. Poda.# okys Achilles, of Homerian fame, is at present being put into the shade by his renowned countryman. Demetrius Gambrlncs Camari •inos, who is liberally throwing money away by reducing into a mere shadow hi# opulent opu which has cost him much time, thought and money. Cam&rinos is at present training 1 with Denver Ed Smith, and any early riser who wishes to behold the sight his life can just go to Thomas Square at 5 a. m. when he will b* hold the genial Greek flitting lightly between the trees. Cammy ha# only one f*ar. and that is that some adornment of the police force will take him for a" bold, bad Thomas Square burglar and hi# gas trie department for a bag of booty and give him chase. The race would be sure to be exciting as Cammy is rapidly developing winged speed. Daily bulletins will herafter keep the public posted on Cammy s loss in weight. He has now* lost six pounds ir two days.