Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1895 — To My Patrons and the Public [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

To My Patrons and the Public

• i » I have just opened at my oliiee. ■ 113 6ethel St, Honoluiu, HJ I., an Art £xbibition of tbe latest designs and novelties, in Embroidcring Work, Onwa WŌF?, Rope Silk Kensington Work and IEtchings. f would respeetfully invite yon and your frjgnds to eall and inspect theee goods, B. BERQ£RSEN\ N B,—Tbc ainfer rerrired M Snt av«mU for Sevtaa MaekiMe ul Eabroiderr WoHe •l tlHf Worid’e Wr, CWca«o. III, ū-ia* lhr liTCc«t Bumbrr od awd» cbtaised bv ut e*hititor, aad aaore tbu> doaWe ib<. Biūaber gīrea to «U otfer S«wiag Maehiwee. Tbe Honolulu Olnek Depot. BBOWK k KCBEY, Ko * Mas, onie Temple, Aiakaa Street,Cloeks and Waiehea oI all kinds kept in stock and nold fior eaah or weekly and monthiy paym«nta. P. O.