Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — JOLLIFICATIONS. [ARTICLE]

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f New Ycar In Honolulu. > It was generaily stated aroond town that New Year was verv |* • . “qaiet’’ this time. This may be ' owing to tbe proverbial bard times and to tbe foolisb action cf the “soared'' government but it seera' , d nevertheless tbat most j»eop!e enjoyed themseive$ immensely. A number of gentlemeu made tiie regnlar New Year’s cnlls and in every bonse tbe Iadies were *at home.” t/ueen Liiinokniani received naiuerous callers doriug the d.iy aud Mr. Do'e be)d ;« receptioa ia the nfteinoou «t his rcsideiice. In i rivate honses the usunl fe sts, luaus and jollifications took plnee even if the celebrauts made less noise thau do tbe heatheu “ehiueea’’ on their New Year’s day. But then our ‘ devils’' eannot be driven out with fire- i crackers.

Tbe Hawaiian RiHe Associadon beld its eigbteentb semi - annual “sboot” at tbe range on King street. John Kidwell won the Hawaiian Hardware Company’s trophy Jwith a score of 89. As tbis was tbe tbird titne be won it becomes bis proj>erty. W. E. Mallmadetbe bigbest score for tbe Brodie eup Fisber wbo has won the enp twice before was close after TV all. Tbe'scoro was Wall 46, Fisber 45. In the eoutest for tbe Cabinet’s tropby W. ! E. Wall lod witb n scora of 92. 1 F. B. Dumon took tbe H. R A. I second elaaa silver raedal by scoring 46. The !. R. A. Trophy was won by Fisber witb a score i of 90 For tbe Presideiit’s Trophy W . E. WaU scored 223 and won tbe day. F. B. Damon scored 89 for Hall Son’s sporting ritie and J. H. Fisber beut J. Kidwell 79 to 76 in tbe mid - Range CLarai pionship. There were finally an

All Coraer’s Matcb aml a Pool Target. Tbe day as a wholo was a success altbougb tbe shooting wasn’t extra good, whieh probably wns dne to tbeprevious night’s vigilanco and anxiety.

> | At tlie Y M. C. A. a diuner was served during tfae d«y. A reception was h«ld io tfae efternoon and iu tfae evening tfaere was a well attended concert nt whieli the H. Y r . I. assiated On New Year’s Eve the Lei i Ilima Clnb gave a most snccessful “Lop” at lndepemlence Park, where a l«rge number of invited guests danced into very late (or earL) hours.

At tbe residence of Mr. J. F. Brown, at Waikiki, New Year’s Eve was celebrated with an amatenr tfaeatrical performance j concludmg witli a dance. Tfae following ladiesand gentlemen went on tlie stage and rendered “Tlie Snowball’’ to tfae groat deligfat of the andience: Messrs. J F. Brown, A E. Nichcls. and Geo. C. Potter, and Mesdames W. M. , Dimond, K. D. Tonney, and Mi?s Kiiehen. Xative boys furnished some fine music.

Tfae Young Hawaiian Insti—tute beld open faonse on New \ear’s Eve and yesterday tfae prcsident Heury Smith gave a luan «t wLieh over60guests wero present.