Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — FOOLED AGAIN. [ARTICLE]

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The "Heroes” See the New Year In.

Bloodsbot eyes, weary looka aml bad tempers were noticeablo yesterday morning among tbe supporters of tbe Republic. And tbere was cause enougb for tbe degcribed condition. Tbe nttoruey general and marsbal bad again been listening to ridiculous ruraors, aud “MarmonUy” yarns and tbe rosult was, tbat it was dead sure. tbis time, tbat a royab ist uprising would taLo plaee and to quell it tbo services of tbe army, citi/.ens reserve, sbarp*booters, otc. ,etc., were callcd upon. So instead of sitting eomLama uaane fl'iunds and bail tbe arrival of 1895 wilh a bearty toast in puneh or giogernle, as tbo cnso uud temperaraont of tbo man migbt be,the “braves” donnod tbeir belts aml sbouldered tboir guns and went on picket dut\’. Tbey stood silently in tbe uipbt outsido tbe bonses of tbe ‘royalists’ aud listened to tbe

nierriuiont going on. Tfae station houso \vas crowded witfa specials. Tfae marsfanl staid tfacre all nigfat and no sleep visited the faeads of the govermneut. Yes, tfaere was one seusible nian among tfacm aud tfaat was ilr. Damou. He was present at tho wedding «t tfae faouse of Mr. J. A. Cummius and seeraed to eujoy bimse)f verj' well. But tfaon Mr. J)amon never did tnke st<>ck iu Mr. Smith’s “upri8ing8.” That nothing faaupeued or was iuteuded to happen faas boen proven, and we ean only hope tfaat tfae ,, boys” didu t catcfa cold bv watcfaiug tfae moon, and that tfaey faave fouud | tfaoir tempers again.

The only serious questiou iu tfae matter is tfaat sucfa ridicnlous aotion of tfac autfaorities discreilit, not alone the government, we ! wouldn't care a snap for tfa«t, but!

the whole conntr}’, aud it is certainly injurious to tfae whole eom munity. Tfao Adretii«er faas said the same several times aud we fully agree with it. Our moruing coutemporary, tfaough, fouud the cause for aueh disturbances in tbe talk of *‘noisy‘’ royaliste, and claimed tfa«t tbe rumore eo>anated from royalists. Tfaat is wfaere tfae AdverUttr is wrong, i and we faave uo doubt that if it faad cousidered tfae matter carefnlly, it wouKl faavo boen able to discover tbe troe culprits.

Wheu a murder is committ«d, a clever detective al«rays asks bimself, who eao be beuefited by tbis crime< And tbe same prineiple sbonld be followed iu tbis instance. We ask tben, wbo ean be benefitted by tbeso contestant * eeaiea?” Certainly not tbe royaliste. 8nrely not tbe army and citizens gu*rd who are put to inconvenienoe and annoyance. Tbe auihorities, we are aure will ratberaleepin peaee than beingin constant (ear of bloodabed and in«urrection. Wbo then are tbe j gainere. Tbo answer is simple i enongh. Mr. Hiieheoek'a apiee. j The preeent government bas < sorroended itaelf wikh a perfeoi i

loogbest and most despicable cbar*cters in towo to “watch aud i report.' It feeds this geotry witb mooificent s-tlaries. bat it eipects someti>iag in retorn. If no rejx»rts eouie iu the spy 's services are no louger needed, aod is it to be expected tbat the class | of men selected for tbis service would bave any scruples in makiog up reports or swear away tbe liberty of any mau? H. von Wertbern »tited under oath in Ihe Hush triul that Ihe Marehai j to!d bim that he mnst bring in reports about the coaspir«cies of tbe roy.il sts. When heanpwered tbat the dreaded rovalisLs were doing notbing wbatever,the great marehal answ» ml that their j inuctivity w.«s a snio sign of their conspiriug. aud whether they did or dul not. rcjK>rts m ust be sent in or no sahtry would be forthcoming. We have had numerous similar statemcnts froui spies now in the service of the mamhal.

With such inducements what ean be expected ? It w,i« p!ty day lnst Mouda3*. Tne marshars pots had beea idle for somctimes and raany of them were afraid of gotting the ‘■Eaek’' when pay day eame around. and consequeutly ruraors were set a-liying and reports were as nuinerons as raosquitoes. Tho result was satis factory to —tbe spies. Tho marshal bas evideutlv not 1 very mucb discerument, he seems at least to swallow every rejx*rt whieh comos to Lim abont the wicked royalists. We are aware of one report bronght in by au

ingenions epy, whieh probably i convinced tlie marsbal of tbo existouce of a "pIot." Tbe spy 1 bad scoured tbe town last Mouday. He bad watched tbe uatives j especially and bebo!d! be b«d counted 200 ii/iu iu preparation for tbe cooking of tbe festive pig or dog. Tbat cleucbed tbe mat- | ter. Soper douned bis unifonn and tbo guard made their wills \ and went on duty. That it waS Mew Yeor’s day yosterday and tbat tlie Ila\valrans ulways feast tbemselvcs and friends ou tbat day was immaterial. Tbe 200 imu representiug 200 pigs were suspicions aml tbe heroes wero badly scarod.

Aud sucfa is tfae inauner iu whieli Mr. Hitcbcock runs tfae poliee department. Tlieex autocrat of Hilo complained tfae otfaer day to a mercliant of tfais city, tliat fae was prevented from declariug martial law. lf tfae cabiuet won)d on!y allow him to do so lio sbouldsoon “fix ’ tfaiogs. Poor “stable" and ‘*strong’' rcpublic whose marsfaal needs martial law!

But i* it not about time for tfae govorument to ring dow» tfae curtaiu on tfais farc>*. Vigilance is neces«ary to any goverament «ud ohonhl bo observed. But abject ,fe«r of sfaadows (or imu) is a disgrace to any goverument , wortfay of tlie uame. Lel Mr. | Hitclicock employ decent and res(>ectuble meu who will tell i him tlie truth and notbiug but . tfae trutfa, aud tfae commuuity will faear no more about tfae revo!utions nud tfae guanl ean sleep : iu peaee.