Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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B. BERGERSEN U<tKT*l \gtr-A tor ,SINGER sEwiisre MAOHIN E COMPY. All Rinds of Needles forS«le and Repairing I)one. Damon's Hlook Bethel Street, Uonolulu. P. 0. Box 440. jy 21 H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Goffee . ' Hoasters • "ANl) ' ■ *f ■' Provision Merchants }98.Fort Street, - Honolniu Families. Plantations and Ships snpplied with choicost Euwpean & American Grocerie$ California Pnxluce by Every Steamer. pi EgT/\TE r The [lawaiiai] Co. Mmkrs a •ptcialt]r of N<Yotiatiiiz aml Procarinz Loani f..r B«rrawer« wito arc un»b!c to dbcouot tbcir Notca:tthe Hank* anU who do Dot eare to obligate them*eivr« to «ome (ricnd or ac<)ua!atance bj hU cndor»e menU to lbeir Note. TbU Cumpaoj will make Loana npon 5 HOUSEHOLl) FURNITURE, PIAN0S, ORGANS, HORSES. MULE8. WAOON3, CAR1 RIAGES A lPEUSONAL PROP£KTY. w!tbo«t remoTinc tbe Propertj (ro« tbe Borrower', po«aeaaion aml afl boaloe«a wUl be condnctcd on a STRICTLY CONFIDEN ■ T1AL BASlS The Hawalian InvaEtmant Ca., Ueaenl Real Eatate AeenU. . 13 aad 15 Kaahnmana itr«ct. 1 f : N«ar Po«t (XRc« i C- A. LONO, NoUrr Puhlk. M.Uaa! īelephone 83» Mlt

MEDEIR()S & Co. Merchunt Tailox**(" Ameneae, Kngii«h and Scotch Tv««d» on baad. Kwi-eūwa work gturanteed. Ho(ei St., nudar Aiiingt>a Uota4 Bloc« Honoinln. 8. DECKER, MuignM. e. i. liiunii Coata>tanoner o£ Prir«t« W*ra *nd W ater Kightx, Disthct oI Hoaolui a. NOTARY FUBUC| AGENT,to GRA5T MARRIAGE LICESSE8, n «na U «- —a II