Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fred. Harrison.| CONTRACTOR AND ! BUILDER The Leading Builder IN HONOLULU. Lstimates given ou all kinds of Brick, Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings. Jobbing of all kinds. Bnilding Material for Sale. 51 and 512 King Street. Residence Telephone, Bell 227. P. O. Box 11. oc2-tf Fernandes & Gomes | WHOLEāAl.E Callfornla Winea and Spiritb, No. 502 Fort St., Honolulu, H. I. •P O. Box 436, Mutual Ttle. 140. 1j30 2m • 2QO t Rins Op 200 United I Carriage • Company, M. REIS S J.C. QUINN __ [ MACHINE MADE POI! FACT0BY, : : KALIHI. Taro Plants, Fresh Tops and Raw Taro at all times. Ring Up Mutual Telephoue 577. 8ell 345 W. L. WILC0X, jy25 Manager. W. S. LUCE Wme and Snirit Merchant OampUU Fire-proof Block. MERCHANT8T. HONOLULŪ. The White Houae! 118 Nuuanq Avenue, HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Fif5t-da?s [iouje IS EVERY RE8PECT. Eaami frsa $1-50 ti 13.111) jer 1 «1. «r S0c. jcr DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPRJETOE Bell Telenbone 13£ &ug 22

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