Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1895 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IUST ARRIVED. 1 s i 5 BIBY ■ CIRRMGES 0F ALL STYLES, 3 T, LN THE LATEST PATTEKNS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINESi U.RND 8EWING M AChlN2S, With the L*tesl Improremōat*"^£J I PAIiLOK Oraans, Guitarr Aod Other Masical Instrumen Wines, Liquois, Beei ALWAYS ON' HAND, AND POK SAL£ B¥ EU. »OFFSCBU£G£R t C0. Kine St.. oppo C*stle A Gooke’>* “ ITOHAN ” UUholeaale and Retail FULL LLNE OF Jsipsinese £-§5*1 Silk and Cotton Dress Goods Etc Etc Etc Siik, and Linen Crape Shirts of Oomplote Stook, made by YHmat<>ya of Yokohhma When you are in need of any line of J.«panese tIoudā t give ns first eall andsave goingall around town ITOHAN, 20(i Fort St, neir Custom House de3 G0NSALVE5 Always Keeps on H»nd a 3upply of the Verj Best Piooeei* Soap In C«ee of «,, 43, 50, (» and T0 Bars eaeh; T1HS SOAP IS THE Finest Imported H«re. SPECTAL PRICE3 FOR 5 CASES 1N LOT9.
J. H1 MgLETf C0. Celebrated Brand» of SCOTCH WH18KEI BEN ALDOCHAN. Ainsley's OLD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,N10N Extr&. Spcc 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKEY,