Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1895 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

H*vm holohua. 18 PCBU8HED Kverv A.fternoon EICWT SCXDAT BT THB Holomua PublisMagCo. \t King SL (Thomas biock), Honolala, H. I. SUSSC2IPTI0N, p«r 50 Ou. Tbe P*t«r u aeliwed hy C*ment in the «Jt.ii; 1 »!»*.. !l t iic New» De»fcri w»J »t the Offl« of p«Uic*tioB. Ec. NORRlE. Manager and Editor notice. \11 Bn*ii>e«ut Comniunlo»tioiMi sLomld be to EDMUND NOUKIE. HonoInln. H. I. i torre*pondence *nd Comtuu aioaUon» 1or pn t>Uc»t»on sbomld be »ddrwwed to tbe Editor lUwaii Hokimum. No noiioe will be p«d to tenr anowmoun oommunic*tiomi. Husiness Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, Attoniey aml Coanselor :il Law, Office, Site of tbe Oi<l Betbol — West Coruer of King antl Betbel Streets. A. P. PETERSON, ATTURNET AT LAW. Offi«e: 113 Kaahumann Stwmt, Honnlmhi Hawaiimn Isl»nd». paul neumann, ATTORNKY AT LAW. 314 Mercbant Street. Hoaolalu, Muiaal Telepbone 415. C1TY 1)RAYAGE CO. Sl»ml: Queen ami Fort Streets. Wbite aml Ulaek Sand. l)raying Done at Reasonable Ratcs. W. F. 8UAKRKTT, M*m»o«m. :iy2s; H. ¥. BERTELMANN. ,OONTRACTOR AND BCILDER, C King St., Bell Telephone 107. A. ROSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumana St., Honoluln, Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON,| ATTORNEV AT LAW. Offiut>: 113 Kaahumaun Stnwt, Honolulu Hmwmiimn lmlmnds. LE>V1S «L LEVEY, Heal Estate and General Auctioneer. Con»w.Fort »nd Street», Honolnln Personal atteutioL given to Saies of Fnrnilnre, Real Estate, Stock and Oeneral Mercbandise. Mutnml TcJmehonm 238-

A. G CORREA. at law._*-j 15 Ka»hmnanu Street, Houo\ulu, jy20 U0N80UDATBD SODA WATKR C0. (Unu»oJ E8PLANA DE: C. aim r.r> > ■ »•■•■•■• I10LLISTEK 4 C0-

*,rAT BOY." biyhorsessaloom I r. MclNEBNT. P»or»i*K*, Pine Liquors, Wine* and Beer. CoB5K» BBH1 Ain» Howl »**• WE IKVITE ALL 8MOKKRS ic*U in«p?«t_oai Ute imporUUon