Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OCKANIC SteamshipCo 9 Time Table. LOCAL LINE. }s.S. AUSTRALIA. Ani*» Hoaoiala U»w Honoiala Throueh Line* From San Fran. for Sydnev. Arrive Honolulu Mooovmi ALimeil* Miiipom Monowmi AUmeda. Mooon »i AiameU» . Minpn.a Monowmī Alanmla. . J»n. 17 Feb. U M«r U . Anr II M>t 'i Jnn'e it .. J alr 4 .. Au<. I . *u« Vpj. X . Oct. * From Sydney for San Francisco. Leave Honolnlu. Austraiian Hail Servke. For SAN rSANC!SC0; The Sew aml Fine Al SCeel Stcam*tiip “Alameila” 0f tbe Oeeanle Steamsbip Cumpauy wlll be dne at Honoluln from Syitnev and Aackland on or about January 1 Oth, And w|U le»re for tbe above port w|tb Malle and Pa»»enger» on or »bont tbat daCe. For SYDNET ud ADCILAND. The New and Flne A1 Steel Steani»blp “Arawa” 0f the Oeeanie Steamsh!p Coropany wUi be dne at Uonolnlo from San Franciseo on oj kbont January 17th, And wlU bave prompt de»patch wieh and Paaaettgen for the atove port». Tbe nnderslgoed are oow prrpami tu iaaae T*nm Tickfti i9 iu pmih u ne dhw tm Tor fnrtber perticn!an regarding Fr< i<ht ov s appiy to WM. 0. I0WIN & 00.. *■ Oenrral Agentw. dec 3tt ileMnUUa —AMD THM— Oceideotel ud 0fieqt8l £ {5. Co. hnaauu os aoneioHō; of Um above Coropwniru wiii eaQ at Honohiia to Ihei; wav to tU abov» porta oa or aboat tha foUowteg i “enina’* 21. 1385 25"'552*" Ftb - 19 > 1883 M Cbaa’'... Aphl 8, »85 īwiamm» ti the above CoBpaai»s wiU ob tbmr wmy i£oag- ‘ lo tba abora pcrt on Pab. 1«. 1896 3*»» Mar. 29, 1885 "OaaKe’* Aprfl 88, 1896 *8B f tum m II F8U0VS ro voaoTO UIU •130 80 •17500 252 50 1«2S^ Uip 12 ,V. ■ u>