Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1895 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ilaniwai HathiHausB ; Tke cudersigaed h»ring LeasB> tbe well keewn Lumwai Bath Uotse it Waikiki. begs to ir!orro yoa, tbat it wil) be run «s » Strictly First-Class BA THINGRESORT. Specui accommodation« for Ladie8 «nd Cbildren. W. S. BARTUĒTT. Proprietor. p.s. Tram-cars poss the plaee oc8 T. B. Murray & Big New Shops331 i 323, King St. oppo«te Smith St. Large Stock, more Boom. more "’ork, more Men and better facilities Uien e»er for bniiding and repairing. CARRIAGE ASD Ww MaoBfactorer 0 and tnm out Work in good ahape and in sbort order, and at prices raitable to the times, Bnt oannot set Aiiea at San Francisca pricea aa it will not pay | REPAIR. PAINT AND TR1MMING done in a first clasa manner. — A HORSE SHOEKG SHOP Is a feature of the cstablishment. MUTUAL ĪELEPHONE 572. y316m YOUR WATCH will be made to keep exeellent time if left Tlizee H)a-3rs — WITH — Farrer & Co., tbe well known «nd reli«ble W«tch Makers, 515 FORT STREET. lf 8atisfaction is not given, yoar money will be returnod in fhll. Isl«nd orders will receive prompt «ttention. dec 1 tf KWONGSIN CHONGACO No, 216 King Street Costbactob and Buildeb,Houw Movicg, Paioting, Meat Safe, etc, Bedsteads, Mattrsses, Tablee.Bookcase8,Mirrors, ae., tbe Lowest Maikel Pneee. t3ETAnd all kiods of Furniture, no 21 tf FOTi 8ALE. F»ar 91CK LMM 9ear of K. W. WXLOOX, The Crftcrton 8«loon ba* 4 SM(kt -■- thb