Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HIRES= ROOT BEER VERVOl*d. ARE TOU * Cu't c*n’t t*t. tipcd. ? If* a tosk too van>. HIKF.S ROOTBEER pan&e* thc biood, ticktes Uie palale. WH.\rSTHKDIFFER ENCE ? Tou driok HIRES ROOTBEEK <or pieason.' aml fet » tonic. TouUkcit u> tonic »nd get plcasnre. HIRES «• H1RES’ IMPRO\FU » ROOT BEEI « lwuio Noaon. kc »at maoe Tm P*«*C£ MAKE3 »:« CAtLONS /tMW,*/7MF ftooT n* no«t APPBTIZINO »c,l THOLHOn rSMPF»ASCS DRĪNX !o U>o worM TXT T Aak jour Drafptt or Gr,v#r for !i C. E. HIRE8. Philaoelphia Sappo*e Xl«gar»'« *a4 ie«« «tma — It ke *o >rru(fil Br taa<ic nacer. to HIKEd ROOTBEKR CooU *odden!y Ne cbMtfrd, Think vlwt a mec«v it vould be For piUmn». d»y *od To «ta«d *nd driok «poa the heink It« neeluw* eliiehL Moming, iN’oon, N T iglit .... (iood «II the timc. It rcm«»Te* thc lancuor ol moruln>r. *n*!«in« tki enerfte« «f neon. alls thc vc«riue*3 of ni*cht —HIKE> KOOTBEER- dcUcloo», *parkllti£ l «ppellain*;. <»ood a* lluxary. x°°d •* « tonic. lt ls beyoiid all dlrpute a v»ndcrful hcalth-£tvln£ driuk, and it 1« Terr c»*v vr »uy one fo uitderstand vliy ihU U »o. Thc root, hcrbt». hārks and bcrric*. fr»m vhlch HlKFJ* KOOTBEEK U 8kiUfuIly m*dc, arv thc identical thimr* from vhich phy»iclan* e f tacir m-»-! help ful rcmcdies. For instance: Do you bellcTcthatsarsapar.ilaisaTaluabtereme.ly* "c!I HIRES ROOTBEKR eonlaln? morc sarsaparilla than many sar*a|>ariUa«. Tu« ‘am*l*trua *a to othcr uigrcdlcnts. If i> d»ini more |o advsnee practical temperance thau many people realUc. !t i* a*> >1 ar.d rvcomtucndcd by the niost <-auti»us and conscnratiTC lcmpcrance people. The m<xl »crapiii»ns ab»talncr ean cnjoy IIIKE18 ROOTBF.KR hiit«>:lf. ana recommcnd it to »thcrs a* au aewahle and hcalthfal sub»ti!ute for the »troog drink vhlcb be oppo«e». It U a homcmade and homcmakins Ii i« vcry ea»Uy nr> pansl. and ;1 ihe plain dircctlons are folloveS, lt vill alvar» bc )jood. Ererr mcmbcr of tb«- ūmiiy. fr\>m thc baby to the erandfathcr, ean enjoy HIRES R(H)TBEER, and cvcry one »f th.-m vill haT«> bettcr lieallh for ea«‘h »val!ov the'y takc. It improves tbc «npctitc, puriti> « the blo»d, «ud toncs the whole »ystcm. Children especially dclbrbt in UIRr> ROOTBF.EK. Its prr;«r* tion lnterc»f* thein. and il» u*o doe» them pr<Kxl. 111 thousaivls of b»ror«. HIK!> UŌOT BEEK tbat mother madc,” vill bc amom: Um liappiest recollcotion» of chiIdh<K>d. BEWARE ! Do not couf»und it with otbcr R»ofbecr i>rej>aralion». «s lt i» entirely ua Uke anvtbinu eUe of fhe kind. Bevare of extracU jdTcrtlscd for makiiu Ro»tbeer. aa thcy are compoaed ehlell/ of colorinst matter and oil» to plve thcm Bavor, whieh eieile the uerve» and caose nausea. Hir« Impr»Tcd Rootbucr tnak> s reallr thc mo»t hamle»» ofonr fa«bi>>naMe drink», yet noari»hln2 and stren;ithenins: thc bl>KKl. īt c)canses thc »y»t< m »f tli>- [» v>nu* humors'that developtn kidncy and urinary di»case», and in C*ct, in any cas* that ari*e« fr>m sd impure state of tbe blo»d, Hire* Improved Rootbcer »« offcred to thc pnWle with full c»nfldence »f 1U meii!» fl eonlainā no pouonon» or injurious propcrtles wluitever, «nd «n lnfant may take il vifh per fect safety. JOBBEKS; HOBKON DRUGCO.,) HOLLISTER “ “ V Wholes»le Droggi*t. BENSON, SMITH «fe CO. - “ j LEWI8&00 Wholeaale Uioeena. Honololu. Oct. 26. tf-dly. Tki.kpHo.vk 245. Mctual FOUND V O. B >x 480. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy New & Second-Hand FURNITURE ! !SATTtIE .... Honoiulu IXL cokvkr or King & Nuuanu Sts. n i ir» \\ t E. Melnme IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Qroceries, I > rovision3 iD Feed, EAST CORNER F0RT A KING STS. New Goods Reo’di *wiy P*cket lrom the Eastern States anU Europe. Frask C*lifornia Produce by every steamer. AU ordan laithfallj ettended t>, *nd Ooods delivered to *ny p*rt of the oity FREE OF CHARGE. I*Uod Orden 3oUeit*d. 8*ii»f*otion 0«*ru.teed. Post OBMBoaIk. Ut.XdvkM.No. «.