Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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i n ii 11 i i i! s i; i i i I i i i i I n °r . 1 iiiuuuuiniuiiuunuumiiiu miiiiiuLi mmiiiiiu | I On Saturday, Jan. 5, at 12 o’eloek noon, Mr. JAS. F. MORGAN, will Sell at PUBLIC AUCTION at his Sa!esroom, Sj lll -HOUSE LOTS~ situated on the mauka side ot’ the Palama Road, and also on Kamehameha IV. Road. These ehoiee Lots, are located a short distance tliis side of the Pertilizing Plant. A laek of water has retarded the growth of this portion of the city, and the fact that ■WAĪEE PJPES aie now l»eing LAĪD, makea this Propcrty espei ially desirable for Residenee purposes. Upset PriQe. $140.00 eaeh. Terms—one-third cash, one-third in six months, and one-third in one year from date of sale. No extra charge for Deeds. For further information, apply to |RUCE WARING & C0 M 503 Fort street near King, Honolulu 1} i i 8 I I 9 I [• n n*S oi 8 r * n i T ► A i N We waut to h»lp yoa ont on vour Christuias purchases, aml intend to d-> it by saving you money on »very purcha.se madc of ns dnring t!»o Holidays We lmve no emi of usefal things, tl»at ure iu tvery day deqjaml, t wouUl lose uone of lheir value by be»ng given as ChrisiniHs Presents. We inigl»t give .iw.ty a piano or ftomething else as an indocement to pnrchas rs, but instead of tlnt everything will be marked sa low, tbat cvery purch.>ser receives h benefit inetead of its ail g >ing to ote p* rs«>n. \Ve will have a eouple of co»<nters 5n the store devoled t* Speeiai Bargaius thut nre Specia) in the fallest sen.se of tb<* word. Toq coa!d uot find a greater variety in a Grab Bag. We bave received many new goods by tbe “Oeeanie" that eall for apeeial notice, all of them go at our redaced pricea. PURSES, Sl£$3, CURTAl?iS. UMBRELLAS, SAT1NS, COTTONS, LIN ENS,and no end of goods will be sold at prices that will make bargain hnuters happy. and be moat acceptable as Christmas Prosents. _ Bemember we are open its, haye new electrio ligbts Uie «Aha I goods ean he examin«d aa weil as in th« day liaap. 12 o’eloek a Round Tr.p _ S*vo «II yoar oheeiu for tbe Yolcano ie>p. aod aend th«ro }o tbe store before Dec 28tb, «hea wili be bsned to \ba qamber of .V. JUST TD HANŪ A COHSIGNMENT of the PEAEL 8ewing Maehinee bracipg ALL tbe Very Latest Improvements. 11 Q«Kwt“° i 10 Y e\f(s. P°1 Piiee $30 B L k: m StTBBti □uaan dell Hūnūluln -