Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Two Weddings. [ARTICLE]

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Two Weddings.

New Xearseooi8 to be a favorite i soason for the yoaiig peai'k’ wbo ! desire to join together for better | or for worse. On New X©ar’s eve Mks £lijtabetb Baker and Mr. Chas. Booth. were onited in | marriage by Rov. Alex. Maek- | intosh at the residence of Mr. | J. A. Cummins. at Pawaa. Only i the family was preseot at the ceremony. Mr. J. O. Carter Jr. 1 acted as best man. A reception j vas beld later in the eT©n~ ing, and nnmeroos friends { of the yoong eoople and of j the genial host called and enjoyed the famoos bospitality of Mr. Commins. The honae vaa beaoti|oIly decorated and freshments of all desoriptioas vere abnndsnt. The Naliopal Band fornisbed the moaie, and it vas 5 o’oloek in tho moroing before the lsst strains of Liborpio’a "boys” vere heard. Xr. and Mrs. Boolh deport«d fot Pauoa valley where the homp o\ MI. Booth ia. and thf

I Holojcta wishes tbem all fnture happines3. Last evening at the residence o( Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hoppei 9 the marriage of Mr. Geo. H. Paris to Miss Dora £. Palien took plaee. Tbe ceretnony took 1 * plaee in tbe beautifal!y decorat«d parlor and was performed bv the j Rev. AIex. Mackintosh. Mr J. i A_ Hopper gave the bride away. Miss Paris was bridesmaid and Mr. Edwin Paris w£s in attendi anee on the groom. A reception was held after tbe wedding at whieh narnerons friends were i 1 present. Tbe Qaintette CIub furnisbed music during the even- * ing. Mr. and Mrs. Paris will 1 j leave for Kanai today and enjoy i | a 10 days honeymoon, whereafter tbey will return to Honolulu and reside on King Stieet in tbe {cottage (ormerly occupied by Mrs. Mahelona. ■■■■■^— mmmaammmmmmmmm ■

e ' Wanie robes, Ice Boxes. Stores. Hangr icg Lamps. Rogs. Boreaas. _ Chitioniers. Steamer *ml Veranda 3 Cbairs. Beil I»onge3, Sofas. i Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets. J Setring Miehīne». Whataots, e Meat Safes. Tranks. ete., so!d at the Iowest Casb Prices at the I. i X. L., corner of Nuaanu aml [ King streets. i . j • Xmas CarJs are not tbe fasbion 3 of tbe season. That is, tbe old- , timed carJs whieh everyboJy has . seen anJ everybody has been [ tired of. The Cards in Water( , Colors, Jealing with Hawaiian . subjecta, are the only proper fad. They are the fashion of the day, ( and they ean only be obtained , from KING BROS., ART Store. on Hotel Street.