Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — LOCAL NOTES [ARTICLE]
The Board of Healtb meets tbis afu-rnoon. Tbe prison bas heen faroisbed wiih electric lights. i Tbe battalion shoot at Makiki ! closed Iast Monday. “ J. W. Cbapman has reeigned as steward of the Qotel. Tbe Leilani boat club will hold a rneeting at the Hotel tonight J. F Silva and Mrs. Emma Welsh were married on the 31st ult. A Cbinese store at Hana. Maai was destroyed by fire last d*yThe wedding of John Doherty and Miss Emma Singer took plaee yesterday. Honolulu bas now on!y one teIepbone company. Cassidy snperintends the eoneem. According to appearances Hawaii will not be made a pesthoose for California lepers. A. Rodgers, a prorainent San Francisco attorney,who basbeen visiting here left for home in the Cbina. The Miow«ra arrived this morning (rom Sydney. She resumed her voyage to\auconv«p' at 2 p. ra. Theo. F. Lansing aml Mainnie Phillips have heeu admitted as partners in tho firm of M. Phillips & Co. The Hawaiiau Hotel servod an elegant French <linner last ovening. Tho Quiutette Club was in att6ndance, Mr. Farringlon is now tho editor of the P. C. Advertiser, Frank Hoogs assisted byW.H.Coney will attend to Jhe newa Jepartnjent. C. M. Wallou has heen appoint ej raai»ager of tbe Hawaiian Agricultu"al Co. iu the plaoe of E. W. Fullcr who bas resigned. How tbe “heroes” jumped when the whistle hlew on New Year’s cvo. It was false alanu. Neither the Miowora or tbe !‘royalists” wore in sight. Bruce Waring A Co., real estatos ngonts have iustructed J. F. Morgan to sell oeilain house lots at aueiion on next Satnrday. See adyertisenaent. Tbe month!y rate for telepbones are now as follows; private residences $2 50, basiuess houses aml offices $1.00, country stations $7.50. All rates are puvable qunrteily in advanoo. H. Giles »ml N. Haistead rod« Waialua on lh«ir cycles yeaterday. They made the rnn from Honololu i<) Kahqka in four honrs aud tw«nty-two miuates, and the trip from Waialaa to town was iuml« iu two houn» and forty-five rainnt«s.