Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1895 — THE WAR ENDED. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


TbenJ is no doubt that the Atmy has by this tione uiade iU triomphant march into PekĪDg. It ia no U80 to discuss the c«usos whieh led to the eonsUut victorie» of the bravest of brayt* uatioo8. ho trutb is that the so!durs were tnrnished witb goods that only Japan ean secnre. ln apite of the large demands of the Japaoese government on the manu{actnrers theD.u Nn'po.\ on Uotel 5Street has been able to se cnre some of the rery b«st goods and on the Oeeanie there was received a shipmcnt of Japanesc Fancy Ware and Xmas Goods that will paralyxe the commnnity here. The Japanese Arnoy will take Pekiug, bnt £he Dai Kippmm will Uke Honolnln with iU large aasortment of Si!k Crepeg and other J«panese Dooda. Before buying the oaoal style Xmas Preaeats, eall at tbe DAI NIPPOM. S3THotel 8t. (Ar!ington Blpck.) J. P, P. Oollaoo, ProprietrMj|- * I