Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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\Wi Steamship t’o. TIME TABLE i w - C. Wi uxc&, Pw». 8. B. Bo>&, 8et. C*rr. J. JL Ki.ie, Pi>rt Sspt. Stmr. KINAU. CLA£K£. Coreau<ier, WiU Ware Hoooinla «t 2 r. w , ta>ochiag it Lahaina, MuIim Bar and Mikeaa tb« eaow U_r; MiL;koiiA. Kav«ihne and LaapahoeUie the iollowine (Uv; arnrin2 it Hik» at midciglit. 8dsniiiif le*Tes Hilo, u>oc’iing at Lmwhoelwe ihe <ao« tUy; Kiwulue X.; Mihnloiu lOi. Mak«u4 r Mu Uea B«t 6 fj(.; Lahaina Sr. «. tbe folk>wing d*r: *niring »t Honuinln 6 w. ' Wedne«<Uys and Ssatnrd»TS. Xo Freight will be rvceiTed *fter I 12 aoon on <Uy of saiiing. I Stmr. CLAUDINR L'AUEKOK, Comm3ndtr, Will le«Te Honolulo erery Tuesday at 5 i P. m., tonching at Kahoiai, Hoek>. Hana. ; Hamoa and Kipahuln. | Retorning will arrive at Hoaolnlo ever\- | Sonday moming. N'o Freight will bc leeeieoi after 4 p. x. on day of sailing. Consigcees mnst be at the Undings to receive tbeir Freight. as we will not hold onrselves n?sp>usible af*er such Freight has been landed. V\ hile the Company will nse due diligerce in handling Live Stock, we decline to assome any respoasibiIity to case of the loss of same. The Company will not be respousit>Ie for Money or Jeweliy nnless pUced in the care of Porsers. X Y. ¥ P> 1 «t*r C0MING to the POINI! is not a!ways a pleasint opporation especially if there’s a TACK an tha Flaor,

And you are bire footed. you ar. s ire to find it. You are tqually sure t) fine other tbiugs that ieave attractive p >ints Eminantly suitable for KTQME, KING BROS., Hotel Street, : : ; Honolnlu. nov 7 tf

IX THE CIRCUIT COUJRT 0F THE F1RST CIRCUIT 0F THE HAWAIIN JSLANDS. IX l'RODATK. "lo lLt! raaiter uf tue Estate o NabcIS.se Perbt, late of Hono iulu, deceased, mteetate. On Reading aud F«ling the Petition of Keahike PEEBT.'widow of Honolulu alleging tbat NabcI88e Pebbv iate of Ilonolula, died intestate at Braro Cap. de Verde Island9, on the 22od day of September A. D. 1894 and praving that Letters of Administration issue!to

ABRAHAM FERNAJiDEZ It >s ordtred tnat Fridav the lStli day rf January. A. D. 1895, \ at 10 o’eloek a. m.. be and hereby , i» appointed for heariog said Peti- ( tioo, iu the Court of this Court, at Honolulu, at woieh time and plaee all persons coocerned m*y appear and show eauae, if any , they have, why said Petition sboold not be granted. Dated Honolulo, Dec. 8th, A. D. By the Oourt, Geobge Llcas, Clerk. 103wsd WAXTED. *IOrXG UāS JAPavkct rnn <alks EaRh*b &ud ymm eipeneeoe dcsire« • akoalioa. Addteae; A. B. thts Ofiee. dec pioijBBP ghjpt Faetoif fST ABLBTO Jm. A. M. MELLIS, Prapma4or,