Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1895 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Xovember 27. 1394. If we are to jadge the f>opalarity ol an articleby t le aamber in act ia! u*e Havi!and Chim stands on tbe crest of a popnlar wave. Tbe nason for it is the low price at whieh it is so!d. I» the l nited 3taUs. wbere ihe people »re ‘ Haviland Mad,” the l>rice is thirty per cent higher tt.an it is here owing to the taniron this ware being so mueh greater between France ami the L nited St it“s than with Hawaii.

e have sj!<1 tbo'Js.inds of pieces , here anel have never had anyone eomplaia oi' being tired of it. Here's a so;nething abont the dei corations on Haviland Ohina that never wearies the eye. We have s ome new co!ors that may plejse you if yon want to make up a sot for a single course.

An entire new stock of Refrigerators aud lee Boxes bnilt on the lee Saving plan and tinished i in the Iatest artistic style is what we have to show you. One of I thesc is large euough lo ho!d meats aud provisions for a Iarge f»mily. Oae compartoje:it witb gla:-s shelf is made for Butter aud Cream excluaivcly. Tbe s»v ! . J » you ean put onious in the s,taje compartmeut without the bntter i beir.g ;tffected, the ventilation is 30 perfectly arranged. Oor lowest \ priced articles iu this line are per- ! ftct in tbcir lee saviug qualities. Some very ehoiee pieces of Cut ui-a? will attract your aUmlion because of the price We’ve aimed to get tbem at a cost witbin reac!i of the masses. 01ive dishes, Creimers Mnfliuiers, Cruets. FIower Stands, etc. Noue of them high priced aud nothing but what is usefui.

Ihe styies of articles in solid Silver«vare aro s> varied that it is dilbcult to keep track of thera.— NVe have on'y the latest designa pereonally selected by Mr. Heudrv duriog his receut visit to San Fr.mcisco. A balf doz butter Spreaders aud individual plates are pretty enough to eat—Were they not mdcgestatible. Berry I*ork8 and Servers. Tea Spoous, Forksand Tab!e Spoons, Ladles, etc. The de3igu of Ihe handles are alike in the dilferent articles aud is the very latest. They were selected in this way so that pi rchasers, if they so wish, may make up tneir silver set without havn<g a lot of odd prices

U e luve replenished !>ur slock of plated ware and eau ofFer vou now a very full line in all the articles use<l on tbe table. The manafactarers of * PIated-ware eome as near giving im»titions of tbe solid article as it is possible for them to be tnade. The pr:ce tol!s the diiference.

-, J ! TV e eall youf attection to tLe most eompleie asso*tajent of Howep vases in white and handsomely decnrated Colored Glass-ware that we have ever ahown. The ahaoea are captivating and the price ’ ‘ietching,” We don ! t expect these to remain in stock bul a shori time—if you are f>nd of cnt flowers in your home, this are the needfol tbings for holding them. The fineet stock of pocket cutlery ever sbown in Honololn is what onrs ū. Knives for folk and knives fur grown np poo ple. Tortois« Peari and Ivory

The “Fred Archer Hacipg Glasa” ifl the moet powerful field g!ass we bave ever aeen, It is extensively osed in Eng!and, mnd : iri)f be htre, onee thej heeome j kpown. Tbe J?rinoe pf Waiee naaa ; one to read the cb%nckr of »»obs who «wk introdact>ons to ... | nt Hmta inm & : i