Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 Nowemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


I M here is the sogar trosff fbe Mariposa is doe from tbe | eoloniea tomorrow \ Fh ® Daiie > tronpe wiil leave j tomorrow m the Maripo?a. | 1he jary in tbe CaQninghata ■ case was drawn tbis mom:ng I Tbe Schuetzen Clab held a meeting Iast night.

I The Hammcr dog eaae has gone over till aeit Tuesdav. | Certiin fact« connected with «ome new spies of Mr Hitcbcock shall be ventilated to-roorrow. The new mill for Ewa will arrive shorth' and be placed in position at onee. Two new pIantations on Oahn are in contemplation. Don’t bo too fast gentlemcn. I To-nigbt is the Iast Opera evening of th« season. It is Dailey’s benefit. Tbe sale at H. W. Sclynidt «t Sons was continned tbis morn- | ing.

To-morrow uight the gospel j tent business will 'take placevit Union Sqnare. j Tbere is a most prominent ougagomeut ou the ta]>is. 8he is from here and he is from there.|2 I D >ilev has arranged .1 m st eieelleul programmo for to uight. There aro a few seats left. On Fridny it will be the birth day nf Kalakaua. The JSationaI band will play during the day. Wilhelm Lanz has purchased another fine bunting dog as his celebrated dog “Bop” has ! sprained his aukle. Bang-Bang! All the consular and oAieial fiags were Hying at half mast today out of respect to the deceased Czar. The sale of the wreckcd goods yesterday brought over $700. Tho wreckers smKted. Levey wielded the hamraor| A sale of Uud belonging to tbe estute of Malia Kahai, yielded : $37ō. at L(*ey’s Auctlon roora tbis morni^g. Admiral Thomas has returnedjto | town from his wrecking expedition. Commodore Davis will go j to Molokai tomorrow and bring dowu more goods.

— PHĪne’s busses and tramcars • will be runniug on tbe night of the great American League ball . between lndependence Hall and * the town. The busses will keep it up as long as the dancers. Mr. Hartweli has succeeded in getting the Norris—d’ Herblay case on to tbe nest c*Iendar. Qomicide by a tired judge ought to he justifiable at times. "*'* ■ ■ The Japanese Diplomatic Agent Fujii and Mrs. Fujii left | in the Ohina yesterday afternoon. Au immen$e crowd of Japanese and numerous prominent foreigners were preseut to [say good bye to tbe distinguished diplomat. Miss Clara Glade’s engagement to a German oflncer is announced. Also the engagement of Lieotenani Field, who waa here in the Charleston, to an Amenean Udy. Fancy old Field as « benedict! The raloable iaformers of Capt. j L. A Andrews tnroed out to be i ihievee and vagrantsand they bare now skippenl tbe eonnm- —presumbaly wilh some of the mai4ed ooina. Henee tbe nol. pr&. in the famous *Utcii Iiquor cases. A subscription is being laken up among the citiaens wbo remember ihe benefits of Kalakf a to tbe cauntry. for tbe pnri poee of oel«br*tiug bia birtb , d»y in a becoming manner. Tbe plaeie» bare »11 forgotten him—bui not bis Trc»ty.