Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRIVED. q q q BABY • CARRIAGES OF JLLL STTLES, - J IS THE LATEST PATTEESS. '*H OUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Haxd Sewing MaOU.VX8, cr au WiUi the Latest Improvrmeu;.^'*fj , PAHLOK JOraans, Guitarr - I An 1 Other Mnsical Iostramen Wines, Liquois, Beer ALWAYS ON* HAN'O. AND FOR SAL£ BY ED. HOFFSCHLiEGER £ C0. Kins St.. oppo. Castle A Cooke'« Oplterlon. Saloon ! NOTICE is horeln given, that all claims against the Sa!oon, will be settleii by Jas. F. Morgan. and all outstanding accouots due tho Critei;io.\ S.\loon* and tho jobbing house of L. H. Dee up to the above date, aro pavab!o to Mr. L. II. Dee. Ali bills against L. H. Dee. please present immediately for paymer.t. L. H. DEE. Honolulu, Oct. 3, 1894. oelO 3m Kahului:-: rioteJ [<ahului, Maui. Si((q, PRt*PRIETOIt. aept|7-tf (3oarfc Cii<cuit of tbe [lawaiiai] I^Iand^ IN PROBATE. Iuthemattrr of khe E,t*t.-of Hemu i. • . * ate of Honolalu, Oahu dir.-a~ 1, lnte»tate. Os Readixo mnd FUlng the Pctit.,r. f Auvoti9in McGkew of s«n Fr*nei*co. < i th »t Henki «. Mc«kew oi ll dicd inte9t»te at Honolulu, on the - > d dav : October, A. D. 1SIH. «ad prayinjt that ! ■ ••• r% ot Admini9tration is»ue to Jo9eru i). iu; k cR. lTW0KDEEEr> that Fridav th. ,1. Norcmber, A. D. UM, .1 10 o'eio, k a d; . • »nd hcrehy U »ppointed for he»rin,- . K tition, m thc Court R ■ .m of th- t ••.--. Honolnlu, at whleh ttate »nd uU. - ail wr 9ona conccrned may »ppcar »nd 4h.»w . . > «*ny thcy h»TC, why *aid Petltou -h u! oe srr*utcd. D»te Honolulu, H. I. i)ct. 24. A. D. 1S04. By thc Court, 6bokoe Lcci.s Ckrk. oct2:>tf nSTOTICi:. I hereby declare my inienlh n ™^^ 8 * have declareti \ the ELECTION. held on the 29th day of October, 1894. henry klemme. nov 7 2w
WatBP. Aninroice o i the OU;brateU SHASTA AT E R jast reeeireil dirvct in m :Le Sprin£g in Sha-u, CWiforai^ ‘*SHASTA" is tbe tioest Miner*J Wiler in tbe world. It U o»«l in ererv leadiog lw!ei »ad on all tb« r«ilway c*n in the United St*t. s. “SHASTA" istbeQucen of*Il t*bic biends perfectly wlth bqoor ol all kinU', *nJ * *>ntunU reli«l for «11 di*or\i rs ol tb> »tom*ch, kidno.Ti *nd lirer For «le 4 br «11 DRLG«.ISTS ix:d tb« TRADE GE.VER.VLLY Macfarlane & Co. Ltd., 3ole Agents for the Hawailat'. I'hwU 4
& MACHINE MADE POI! FACTORY, ; : KALJHI. % f«ro Plants, Fresh Tops and K** Taro at all times. Rmg Up Mutual TeIepho«y 57». B«ll 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Manager.