Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MORr,AGEE> >*OTICEOF lXTEXTION T0 PORECLOSE AND OF SALE. Noāūe k ba«bj giren UuU par$uiit » • pover of .-onuuwii ia • c*rt*irs mortC»ge <i»W SeptembfT U’. A. D 1392. nude by GBORC.£ NAKI.ft*A %nd ilAKAEA GEORGE his vife. of Hovi5 < t t Isbuid of Ukba.to S*be Kahai, ūttoof a>d Hoaolnhi ! &cetse<l, recorded in th* oAee of tbe Beg»trar of Coarer»nces. in Iūb»-T I3S. fobo»221-2-X J. A Cumnuo5, .ftmini«nUor tritb WiU uārxed of tbe ffill of the $aid Milie Knhni. dc<ease!. intecds to forecloee saūd mortga§» for • ->mch ob tbe conditioas in said mortgn0e eonUineK to vit: tbe nonp«Tmest of 'both the pAoipoi aad interwt vben dne. I Nonoe is niao herel v kven that all and singnUr tbe Uads. tenemWcts and berediumeots in uid mortuage eonUuaed and desonbed, vill be scud at Pahlie Aueōon. at Uie Aneiāon room of Lewia J. Lewy, on Qneen Street. in said Honolnln t WSDSESDAY, thc 14 DAT of NOVEMBER A. D. 1894. tt 12 o’eloek noon of «aid dar. Tbe propertv in saīd I mcrtgige is tbn« described, vir; 1 That certam pieee of !&d sitnate in Pauoa. Honoluln, aforfsaid,lnd also tbat certain pieoe of land sitnaU at Anwaiohmn, Honolnlu aforesaid, deskribod in Roval Patent 1789. Land Commission Award 3ĪN4 tc Makaiouln, oonveyed to Umauma opio by : Umanma his fatber. by deed recoroed in 1 Liber 9) j>. 29&-7, and by said Umauma opio to George Nakiaua by dēed iworded in Liber > 138 p. 307-8. Term cash in U. S. GoldCoin. Deeds at espense of purchaser. For further p»rticaUrs, apply to J*s. K. Kaulia and Enoeh Johnson. Attorneys for the A<iministrator with the Will anneiēd ( of the WLU of Malie Kahni, deceascd, MortSagfe- a ‘ J. A. CUMMtNS, < Admiiiistrator with the WUI annexeil of the ] WUI of Malie Kahai. deceased, Mort- j gageeDedat Honolulu, Oct -24, 1894. 3wks-dlv.

I BEACH GROVE New Sea Side, Pienie and Bathing Resort. Has beex opened up. and is now ready to reoelve visitors. The new resort is nnder the mana|t;eaient of Charles F. Warren. The plaee is within a convenient distanee from town, and two minates walk, fn m the Tram Cars (Bisbop's switch) The premtses whieh will be at the disposal of patrons comprises between fonr and tire acres of beantiful grassy gronnds, overshadowed by Uopieal trees. Also a eomplete outfit of bath rooms and bathing snits. There ia a great deal of romance connected with these gniuuds. It is said to be tha exact spot on thc Beach where Kamehameha the oonqueror landed with his thonsands of warriors bent npon the conqnest of Oahn. There is a sacred pond npou the land supplied from a legendary spring. For hnnared of years the natives have used this water for medicinal pnrposes ntore especialas they elaim as an effective remedy for rheumatism and paralysis. Beach Grove or Kawehewehe was a portion of the sea side residence of that great chief and warrior, Kamehameha I. These new bathing and recreation grqunds will be eiclnsively for the use of families. Ladies and ehililmu wUl enjoy a days onting at Beach Grove. 1he water is just deep euough {to be eomfortable with a niee sandy heaeh. This new resqrt snpplies a long felt waut and ia snre of liberal patronage. Charges wiU be extremely moderate so as to oome within the reach of all. AU throngh the gronnds there are arbors and sbaded bowers fumished with tables and seats for the accommodation of those who bring aloug theirown oatablcs. Sandwiches, cakes, soda water and lemonade on iee may be had at the premLses. Honolnlu, Nov. ō, 1894. 2wks-dly.

p. Egn[ĪE Hduse Rsnting and CūllBction AgEn

loans negotiated on Real Estate and Per5 PrapErty, N'ow is the time to list yonr propc the demand for homes is increasing ev Strangers are coming to l, The Parad great namhen. We have some most desirable prope sale. r If yon own a lot. and desire to I home, we will iurnish the monov on fa terms. Ths Kawallan Investnisiit # Gencral Real Estate Agcnls „ . 13 *nd 15 Kaahnmann C. A. LONO, Sotary Puhlle Telephon nov3 THIS SPACī Reserved fnr

FOB 8AL£. SISAL PLAXTS fron) tbe Bataaatu Lwnds hare been Imponeā *nd c*n be iwd 1 ° A5. U by •PP J - Tjn ? *t ttae H: ix>- ?? , . Tll0 ‘ e . lntere»ted in ner indn»tnes staonla not Io£e thw opportnnitr oct 15 tt ’’ »OTKTE. During bt alwenoe from tl»eI«Unds.Mn. Ho&*cz o. Chjbbe ia duiy anthorixed to »ceiTe M»d »«wp* for ali monk» due and owingtome J. W. LU3fDiG, «t my office utod November 23rd, JSW. .t trhicta dlto »»ll personaIIy »ttend. J- W. LUXTXG, oct 17rh lm

y ( NQ -!-F/T-r-CH/fJ —: F W*nURE DEAL£R8. ** ‘° pnWie th*tj tb«T h*re op«a«d k St0TB H Na 322, Nauanu SL‘ **** **»Tr * co«plete Uoe of 8EDSOOM &ETS, CHinw iamoa, wardeobr*, VIKG FAT CHAN, r * rforreonMr atmta *®pt ®-3m»